Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Washington Redskins Caved to Cancel Culture, and the Hodge Twins have Thoughts

The Washington Redskins Caved to Cancel Culture, and the Hodge Twins have Thoughts
Brodigan - July 15, 2020 at 09:37AM

In the name of police reform in the wake of Floyd Taylor, the Washington Redskins announced they're going to change their team name. No, George Taylor wasn't Native-American and this has nothing to do with police reform. But white liberals have wanted the name changed for a while (since they feel Native-Americans — like all marginalized people — don't have the ability to speak for themselves), and progressive activism is 90% meaningless symbolism and 10% hashtags.

Our friends the Hodge Twins have some thoughts on the matter, as well as some suggestions for team names. None of which I will be repeating. But hey, if you press the play button, who am I to judge?

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