Friday, July 17, 2020

This NBA Star Promotes Wearing a Mask, But Critics Are Upset because it is a PRO-POLICE mask!

This NBA Star Promotes Wearing a Mask, But Critics Are Upset because it is a PRO-POLICE mask!
Brodigan - July 17, 2020 at 09:29AM

Recently, the NBA released a list of approved political messages players could wear on the backs of their uniforms. As for political messages they can wear on their faces, they might have a problem. The Houston Rockets tweeted out this photo of star James Harden wearing a mask in order to virtue-signal promote wearing a mask. Only methinks someone on their social media team didn't realize it is a pro-cop "Blue Lives Matter" mask. You guessed what happened next. Critics are all pouncing and being all critic-ing about it.

Harden's face covering featured the "thin blue line," a pro-police symbol that critics have long claimed also stands for white supremacy and opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement; and a Punisher skull, which has been associated with far-right groups.

Neither the Rockets nor the NBA, which also shared an image of Harden's mask to their Twitter account's more than 30 million followers, responded late Thursday to questions about where Harden got the mask or whether it was meant as a political statement.

Like, duh! Everyone knows Blue Lives Matter is super racist. Just ask these white liberals yelling at black police officers (see IDIOT WHITE LIBERAL CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY BLACK COP THINKS BLUE LIVES MATTER and WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM). There's a good chance Harden just thought it was a badass mask, didn't know what it meant, and will be issuing an apology shortly.

OR, and hear me out on this, James Harden DID know what it meant and wore it anyway. Because he's a grown-ass man who knows you can be outraged over what happened to George Floyd and support the need for police reform while STILL being supportive of our brave police officers who are putting their lives on the line every day. Adults know you can have multiple thoughts at the same time.

from Steven Crowder Says