Monday, July 20, 2020

Oxford Epidemiologists Say Shutdowns Don't Work and Question Masks

Oxford Epidemiologists Say Shutdowns Don't Work and Question Masks
Courtney Kirchoff - July 20, 2020 at 06:12PM

Actually the Oxford epidemiologists Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan basically took a dump all over masks, but the "independent" Facebook fact checkers would restrict the reach of this article had I dare pen any kind of word combination which questioned the godly use of beloved face diapers. But watch this video and you tell me these epidemiologists are onboard the good ship Mask to Save Granny. The two were asked a series of questions, many of the same questions media asks in order to keep the COVID-19 ratings high— at least that's my opinion — and provided a number of common sense responses. Far from the hyperventilating insanity we're getting from media and Facebook commenters who insist the WuHuFlu will kill us all.

The full video from is 45 minutes. Yes, long. But fascinating.

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