Thursday, July 23, 2020

Biden: Trump Shouldn't Criticize Chicoms Because ... Americans Are Too Stupid to Know China from South Korea?

Biden: Trump Shouldn't Criticize Chicoms Because ... Americans Are Too Stupid to Know China from South Korea?
Brodigan - July 23, 2020 at 09:53AM

Let's start off by saying I think "Chinese virus" has passed its prime as a talking point. I know Trump doesn't like to let things go. We all had fun with "Kung Flu," "Wuhan Got You All in Check," and various references to the Wuhan Clan. But we're at a different stage in the pandemic. Also, calling it the New York City virus is much more accurate (see REPORT: LOOKS LIKE NYC MIGHT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING COVID NATION-WIDE and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19).

Now that we set the ground rules that yes, at this time, saying "Chinese virus" might distract from the more serious problems concerning the Chinese government ... what the hell is Joe Biden talking about?

We turn now to Joe Biden's new campaign manager.

For starters, I will bet all the money in my pockets right now that Joe Biden couldn't tell the difference between someone from China and someone from South Korea. I know his new thing is to call Trump our first "racist" president, but that's still an odd flex on his part. Also, insulting half the country you want to vote for you as being stupid is never a good campaign strategy. Nor does it change the fact that the virus did in fact originate in Wuhan and the Communist Chinese government covered it up. It's why the Communist Chinese government wants to push the message that anyone pointing that out (or pointing out any other of their atrocities) is racist against the Chinese.

Which gets to the second problem. Having celebrities, journalists, and Big Tech repeating Communist Chinese talking points is bad enough. Having the guy who wants to be president of the United States do it, and do it because he thinks he's pandering for votes to become president, that's a more serious problem. This is a guy who might very well become our president and the leader of the free world, and he's already bending over for China before he's even had his nominating conversation.

Trump isn't perfect. That's an understatement of all understatements. The fact that our presidential race is turning into men arguing over who did better on a cognitive test makes me stabby. But all things being equal? The guy who isn't willing to sell us us out to the commies is much better than the guy who is already signalling that he will.

from Steven Crowder Says