Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Here is Ten Minutes of Alex Jones Explaining the Universe, Just Because We Owe it to the People

Here is Ten Minutes of Alex Jones Explaining the Universe, Just Because We Owe it to the People
Brodigan - July 15, 2020 at 11:18AM

It's Wednesday and if you're anything like me, your ass is dragging. You're struggling to get through the week and don't know how you're going to make it two more days until you can start throwing back White Claws and seeing what kind of shenanigans you can get into while still wearing your mask and standing six feet away from another human. If that's your thing. You need something to get over the hump. So, thanks to the Joe Rogan Experience, here is ten minutes of Alex Jones explaining life, the universe, and everything (see BOUNCING GOBLIN WOMEN! ALEX JONES GUESTS and ALEX JONES HOSTED JESSICA YANIV ABOUT #PENISWAXGATE. IT'S SPECTACULAR.). I don't know if the answer is 42, but I do know they're turning the frogs gay.

Alex Jones CRASHES Change My Mind | Louder With Crowder

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