Thursday, July 16, 2020

Museum Criticizes White People for *Checks Notes* Individualism, Having Families, and Work Ethic

Museum Criticizes White People for *Checks Notes* Individualism, Having Families, and Work Ethic
Brodigan - July 16, 2020 at 08:06AM

Personally, I'm not convinced this is real. This has to be an elaborate 4CHAN prank. Or a troll job by the Association of KKK and Nazis Local 403. There is no way that the actual National Museum of African American History & Culture released these graphics as part of their lecture on whiteness and white privilege. Where white people are being criticized for our *checks notes* individualism, having both parents, and ability to be on time.

I don't speak liberal (see WHITE PRIVILEGE? 'BECKY' EXPLAINS RACISM TO BLACK POLICE OFFICERS and WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM). So I don't fully grasp what "whiteness" is other than another excuse for leftists to divide Americans and push their Marxist agenda. And I'll give them "bland is best" when it comes to food. Seriously, white people, I know you have a spice rack in your house somewhere, and I know it's not just salt and pepper. Paprika, cumin, oregano ... these are all our friends. Thyme and rosemary are game-changers on steak. Just saying.

But "children should have their own rooms and be independent"? "Hard work is the key to success"? "Emphasis on the scientific method"? These aren't just aspects of "whiteness." They are aspects of "blackness," "Latinoness," "Asianness," "Indianness," and all the other -nesses. These are aspects of peopleness. When white supremacists and other racist douchebags claim that these are traits that only white people have, it is an attack because they claim all the other races don't. The National Museum of African American History & Culture ... agrees with racists? Or are they trying to flip the script and claim that working hard, being polite, and owning a home are all bad things? Which is the same as saying the black people don't do any of those things. And this is the message being sent by a museum dedicated to African-Americans.

I fail to see how any of this is helpful in the slightest. But dollars to donuts this is all the creation of a white liberal.

from Steven Crowder Says