Friday, July 17, 2020

FINALLY! Sen. Hawley Demands a Civil Rights Investigation into the Liberal DA Harassing the McCloskeys

FINALLY! Sen. Hawley Demands a Civil Rights Investigation into the Liberal DA Harassing the McCloskeys
Brodigan - July 17, 2020 at 12:15PM

July introduced us to the McCloskeys, a Missouri couple who defended their home when an angry mob trespassed on private property and who, of course, had their guns taken away because the leftist circuit attorney is a tyrant (see MISSOURI GUN OWNER WHO DEFENDED HIS HOME IS BEING INDICTED BY A MARXIST ATTORNEY and CHRIS CUOMO IS A JERK TO THAT MISSOURI GUN OWNER, BUT THE GUN OWNER IS READY FOR HIM). To the left, rules are only for the people who follow them. If you break them, YOLO! If you exercise your rights under the Constitution, then you run into problems.

Since this became a national story, many were wondering what the GOP was going to do about this couple having their Second Amendment right trampled on and possibly being railroaded in the legal system. Finally, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is stepping up and demanding a civil rights investigation into Kim Gardner, the circuit attorney who started all this.

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