Friday, July 31, 2020

Charles Barkley Has Something to Say About Athletes Who DON'T Kneel That Will Trigger Liberals

Charles Barkley Has Something to Say About Athletes Who DON'T Kneel That Will Trigger Liberals
Brodigan - July 31, 2020 at 07:14AM

In 2016, "South Park" mocked anthem protests, showing the townspeople more concerned about who was kneeling, then leaving before the sports game started because no one care about that any more. That's basically what we've become now, minus the people leaving because there are no people allowed. F*** you, 'rona! These days, you make news if you DON'T kneel, as if you're the weird one (see SF GIANTS PLAYER BUCKS TREND, REFUSES TO KNEEL FOR ANTHEM: 'I KNEEL ONLY FOR GOD..." and REPORTER ASKS DREW BREES IF HE'LL KNEEL FOR THE ANTHEM). Thankfully we have Charles Barkley coming through with some common sense. I know leftists are triggered, but Sir Charles isn't one who is known to give AF.

In my opinion, I personally don't care about the kneeling. I think it's disrespectful to do any kind of protest during the national anthem, and the people who do are usually leftist dinkuses whose opinions I don't care about in the first place. But aside from rolling my eyes at you, I'm more concerned about fantasy points and drinking beer once the game starts. What Barkley is getting at is how the entire leftist entertainment complex is acting like you're the asshole for NOT kneeling. Drew Brees was cyberbullied into bending the knee. Sam Coonrod (the guy from the SF Giants) was forced to explain why he didn't kneel.

If you want me to take you seriously for protesting during the national anthem, sure. Whatever. Making it so that there's something wrong with people who don't kneel is where the words "suck" and "it" start to come into play.

from Steven Crowder Says