Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wonder What Joe Biden Is Looking for in a Running Mate? So Does He in This 'Campaign Ad'

Wonder What Joe Biden Is Looking for in a Running Mate? So Does He in This 'Campaign Ad'
Brodigan - July 16, 2020 at 02:31PM

Be honest. Before you clicked this link, you forgot Joe Biden is running for president. Or was even a thing in the first place. It's OK, because I'm sure Biden forgets himself sometimes (see SENILE JOE BIDEN GETS THE COVID DEATH COUNT WRONG BY ... OVER 110 MILLION PEOPLE and SAD! JOE BIDEN REPEATS HIMSELF 3 TIMES IN ONE MINUTE). Just like he forgets who the black guy was that he always caught sitting in his chair for eight years.

Joe Biden is still running for president, which, because Democrats are Democrats, has turned into a panderpalooza of Olympic proportions. Biden needs to figure out how to pick someone who can check off the most boxes on the left's identity politics bingo card while not offending the other boxes. Also without getting distracted and trying to use those boxes to build a fort or a choo-choo train. Biden gets confused a lot, is what I'm saying. As does this satirical campaign ad.

CROWDER 911: How to Train your Joe Biden | Louder With Crowder

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