Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Texas Wants to Reopen Schools and Teachers Claim They Are Now 'Writing Out Their Wills'

Texas Wants to Reopen Schools and Teachers Claim They Are Now 'Writing Out Their Wills'
Brodigan - July 14, 2020 at 08:26AM

People are freaked out about the 'rona. I get that. Especially since after weeks of super-spreader events endorsed by Democrat politicians (you know, the riots and protests), we appear to be in a second wave. Everyone is stressed, and now we have to discuss reopening schools in the fall. It's another case of listening to experts and data, or listening to politics and emotions (see TOP PEDIATRICIANS AGREE: REOPEN SCHOOLS WITHOUT HESITATION and LA TEACHERS UNION WILL ONLY REOPEN SCHOOLS IF WE ... ELIMINATE CHARTER SCHOOLS AND DEFUND THE POLICE).

But for the love of baby Jesus, get it together.

"It's pretty atrocious that in preparation for returning to school this fall, teachers are writing wills, getting medical power of attorney established, and taking out extra life insurance," tweeted teacher Jessica Schwinn on Saturday. "This country has chosen it's priorities. It's money over people."

First of all, if the country is prioritizing money over people, we learned it from watching the teachers' unions do it for decades. Every yeah, every school budget where taxpayers are threatened that if we don't approve it, you're going to take it out on our children. Parents and students are people. They are concerned about their children's education and overall mental well-being, as well as being able to provide for them. So let's dial back the sanctimonious garbage.

Also ... writing wills and getting powers of attorney? My baby nephew is less dramatic when you say he can't have a cookie and he throws himself to the floor. If you are HONESTLY so concerned for your life that you are getting your affairs in order over your job, you should not have that job. Maybe dial back the panic porn and cut back on watching CNN.

But that's only if you are HONESTLY concerned for your life and you aren't just carrying on like this as a negotiation tactic. Because you've chosen priorities and are placing money over people.

from Steven Crowder Says