Monday, July 27, 2020

Some Dude on Twitter Found a Mask Hack That Is Either Stupid or Absolutely Brilliant

Some Dude on Twitter Found a Mask Hack That Is Either Stupid or Absolutely Brilliant
Brodigan - July 27, 2020 at 07:31AM

Now that the experts have decided we should all wear masks after deciding that none of us should wear masks, we've turned to the next stage: mask-shaming. No, not for not wearing a mask. That's old and busted. The new hotness is shaming people who are wearing a mask, but not wearing it the right way. Even though the experts themselves get confused sometimes. Others are just buttheads about it.

Here's the problem. You want to wear a mask because that's how you signal your virtue, lest someone think you are purposely trying to kill grandma. Or apparently teachers in Texas. But sometimes, you just need to eat even though you know the mask nazis are all around with their smartphones looking to catch you slippin'. This Twitter user may have found the solution for when the cravings hit. Don't wear one mask...wear TWO!

Sometimes, you just need your chips!

This video also hits a trifecta. It's funny, which is a great wait to start your Monday before everything in the news turns to poop. Whether intentional or not intentional, points out how silly some of 'rona-related mandates are. Third, it's a brilliant troll because let's be real: If this video gets popular enough, it's going to get people wearing their masks like this unironically.

from Steven Crowder Says