Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Nashville Man Was Told He Tested Positive for COVID. Problem: He Never Took a Test for COVID ...

A Nashville Man Was Told He Tested Positive for COVID. Problem: He Never Took a Test for COVID ...
Brodigan - July 22, 2020 at 01:52PM

Feel free to chalk this up to just a random mistake that is being cherry-picked if you must. At the very least, this didn't happen in Florida (see SOME FLORIDA COVID TESTING IS OFF BY ONLY ... 89% and FLORIDA MAN DIED IN A MOTORCYCLE CRASH, AND HIS DEATH WAS LISTED AS A COVID-19 DEATH). As more and more of these "random mistakes" add up, maybe people will start questioning how the data is being collected in the first place. Until then, here's a story of a guy in Nashville who was found guilty of having the 'rona. Tiny little issue with that, though: My dude never took a test for the 'rona in the first place.

The COVID Death Count is Inflated | Change My Mind | Louder with Crowder

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