Friday, July 24, 2020

Trump to Struggling Parents: If Teachers Refuse to Do Their Job, You Should Have Your School Taxes Refunded

Trump to Struggling Parents: If Teachers Refuse to Do Their Job, You Should Have Your School Taxes Refunded
Brodigan - July 24, 2020 at 07:47AM

We are now on Day 217 of "15 days to flatten the curve." Making sure our hospitals aren't overwhelmed has turned into teachers' unions saying they won't go back to work as long as anyone can get sick ever, among other ways they are holding your child's learning and development hostage until their terrorist demands are met (see LA TEACHERS UNION WILL ONLY REOPEN SCHOOLS IF WE ... ELIMINATE CHARTER SCHOOLS AND DEFUND THE POLICE and TEXAS WANTS TO REOPEN SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS CLAIM THEY ARE NOW 'WRITING OUT THEIR WILLS'). It's going to be difficult to keep schools closed until the 'rona is eradicated, especially when the only expert who matters just claimed it never will be. Some parents feel they should get at least some of the taxes they pay for schools that are refusing to open and teachers who are refusing to work refunded, to help cover the cost of the "new normal" way of educating their children. And they have someone on their side: President Trump.

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