Brodigan - July 21, 2020 at 07:58AM

Black Lives Matter means many things to many people. For some it is a call for police reform. Others who feel voiceless use it to find their voice. And for uppity white leftist douchebags like New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, it's a great way to signal your virtue (see YOUTUBER JOKES ABOUT 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' NOT CARING ABOUT BLACK LIVES and ACTOR SAYS IT'S OKAY THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER ORGANIZATION HATES THE JEWS). Painting the words "black," "lives," and "matter" in the street across from Trump Tower does nothing to advance the issues the non-Marxist parts of BLM stand for. It's just a cheap political stunt from a cheap politicians. Because again, "D" is for both de Blasio and Douchebag.
But no one wants to hear another pasty-ass white guy talking about this. We need to be amplifying black voices. Allow me to #PassTheMic the Hodgetwins to share their thoughts.
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