Friday, July 24, 2020

SF Giants Player Bucks Trend, Refuses to Kneel for Anthem: 'I kneel only for God..."

SF Giants Player Bucks Trend, Refuses to Kneel for Anthem: 'I kneel only for God..."
Courtney Kirchoff - July 24, 2020 at 04:12PM

Prepare to get hit in the righteous feels, my friends. Major League Baseball player Sam Coonrod, reliever for the San Francisco Giants, didn't go with the crowd on Thursday night. While his fellow players bent the knee, and even held some kind of black cloth because symbolism these days is seen as more effective than action, Coonrod said a polite no thanks, he only kneels before the One True King: God.

From NBC Sports:

The outlier was Sam Coonrod, a second-year Giants reliever who said after the game that he is a Christian and "can't kneel before anything besides God." He also said he does not agree with some of what he has heard about the Black Lives Matter movement.
"I'm a Christian, like I said, and I just can't get on board with a couple of things that I have read about Black Lives Matter," Coonrod said. "How they lean toward Marxism and they've said some negative things about the nuclear family. I just can't get on board with that."

Here we have a guy who's done his homework, America. He understand the difference between black lives matter as all lives matter, and Black Lives Matter. The Democrat-run Marxist organization bent to remake America. If only more people could get past their knee-jerk reaction to virtue signal and post the black square.

But having a mind separate from the mobbish hive is frowned upon. After the game, Coonrod added:

"I meant no ill will by it. I don't think I'm better than anyone. I'm a Christian. I just believe I can't kneel before anything besides God — Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel that if I did kneel, I would be being a hypocrite. I didn't want to be a hypocrite. Like I said, I didn't mean any ill will toward anyone."

There's nothing wrong at all with only saying you kneel before God. Nor should there be. You and I both know this won't be the end for Coonrod, that members of the mob are likely already looking through their hampers for what pair of socks stinks the least. Mismatched doesn't matter. Then they'll be ready to soak their pitchforks in despair to march on Coonrod, calling for his head.

From the sounds of it, at this very moment, Coonrod isn't backing down. He might have more testicular fortitude than Drew Brees. Saying of a player who orchestrated the black cloth moment:

"He's not going to get mad if I disagree with him," Coonrod said. "I think that's part of the problem nowadays. People get mad whenever someone disagrees. I'm not mad at someone that decided to kneel. I think it's not too much to ask that I just get the same respect, you know?"

Stand strong, Coonrod. Logic cannot be tolerated in the days of emotional mobs.

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