Wednesday, July 29, 2020

These Seattle Residents Are Fed Up with 'Black Lives Matter' and Antifa Destroying Their City

These Seattle Residents Are Fed Up with 'Black Lives Matter' and Antifa Destroying Their City
Brodigan - July 29, 2020 at 12:14PM

More of this, please. Because as we said when we introduced you to this AWFL woman, this is long past being about George Floyd. This is leftist douchebags just being leftist douchebags for the sake of being leftist douchebags. And a lot of pasty-ass white kids who, while they yell "black lives matter" a lot, don't seem to think the actual black people they yell it at seem to matter all that much (see WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM and A WHITE LIBERAL WAS HANDING OUT BRICKS, BUT THIS BLACK PROTESTER WASN'T HAVING IT). A video journalist caught two Seattle residents who decided to start fighting back. Doesn't matter if it's #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa, or just people bored from being in lockdown for the past few months. They're tired of watching their city being trashed.

This guy even called out to his neighbors to see if they noticed all the trash in the street. It's Seattle, so I'm assuming most of them were in their apartments complaining about President Trump on Twitter.

More people need to start speaking up, both about the Marxism and at the ignorant protesters, but also at the elected officials who stood by doing nothing and allowing all of this to happen. Citizens needs to say enough is enough. Also, stop voting for politicians who support the people destroying the cities they were elected in and putting the burden to do something on the citizens they're supposed to be serving.

from Steven Crowder Says