Thursday, July 16, 2020

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Releases Brilliant Pro-Freedom Ad. Democrats Be Warned, GOP Take Notes...

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Releases Brilliant Pro-Freedom Ad. Democrats Be Warned, GOP Take Notes...
Courtney Kirchoff - July 16, 2020 at 04:58PM

Bad news travels much faster than good news, and for obvious reasons. Tell a person "All planes arrived safely today" and he'd look at you like you just farted with nary an apology. But when bad news is no longer newsworthy, as has happened during the great panic pandemic, good news stands out. Or it should. While governors both left and right were shutting down their states, Governor Kristi Noem refused. Did you hear about covid spikes in South Dakota? Interesting. Have you heard much about South Dakota at all? Fascinating. Well Kristi Noem is making a move. She released a brilliant ad Thusrday showcasing the pro-business and pro-freedom aspects of her state. Before you write off South Dakota's chilly weather, don't. Watch this first, then let's circle back to discuss.

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