Monday, July 20, 2020

While Andrew Cuomo Bans Gyms from Opening in NY, Cristina Cuomo Does Yoga at an Expensive Hamptons Shoe Store

While Andrew Cuomo Bans Gyms from Opening in NY, Cristina Cuomo Does Yoga at an Expensive Hamptons Shoe Store
Brodigan - July 20, 2020 at 10:45AM

The word "Cuomo" as it turns out is a Sicilian term meaning "hypocritical douchebag." Andrew Cuomo is forbidding gyms to open in the state of New York (see LOCAL GYM OWNERS SUE ANDREW CUOMO FOR TYRANNICAL SHUTDOWN ORDERS and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19) because of the 'rona. They were supposed to be open in Phase 4, they still aren't allowed to be open for some reason, and there's no Phase 5. Though while the rest of us can't go to the gym, his sister-in-law Cristina Cuomo is apparently allowed to do yoga — maskless — in an expensive Hamptons shoe store. Because if you're going to rub your family's hypocrisy in everyone's faces, you might as well do it with style.

New York gym owners who are not the governor's sister-in-law were not amused.

"Can all gyms and studios open in NY or just yours?"

"Your health and wellness magazine feeds off of the gym industry and we are all slowly suffocating to death. Please use your power and direct line to the Governor to advocate for small gyms or else we will not be able to support our families as well as help those in our communities. PLEASE HELP US!" the gym commented.

Manhattan pilates studio owner Tara Gordon wrote "If any of us had done that we'd have been fined and potentially lost our business."

Yes, this happened in same Hamptons where her husband Chris Cuomo was starting fights with people while he was supposed to be quarantined in his basement suffering from the 'rona. You see, because besides being hypocrites, the Cuomos also all think you're stupid.

As for the rest of us in New York who go to gyms and would like to start working out again, we'd be happy if the tyrant running the state could even just tell us when gyms can open again. Not everyone has access to a Jimmy Choo's.

from Steven Crowder Says