Missouri Gun Owner Who Defended His Home is being INDICTED by a Marxist Attorney
Brodigan - July 14, 2020 at 06:58AM
Over the weekend, the Missouri couple who defended their home against an angry mob trespassing on private property had a warrant executed on them and their guns confiscated (see CHRIS CUOMO IS A JERK TO THAT MISSOURI GUN OWNER, BUT THE GUN OWNER IS READY FOR HIM and THE PEOPLE 'POINTING GUNS' AT BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTERS? HERE'S WHAT THE MEDIA ISN'T TELLING YOU ...). Truth be told, we don't know much so far other than that. Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner sent police to Mark McCloskey's home, and police left with his and his wife's guns. Mark joined Tucker to share what happened.
from Steven Crowder Says