Monday, July 20, 2020

Transgender Girl is Suing NHS for Not Warning Her About Gender Reassignment When She Was a Teenager

Transgender Girl is Suing NHS for Not Warning Her About Gender Reassignment When She Was a Teenager
Brodigan - July 20, 2020 at 08:13AM

Okay, I've got to choose my words very carefully. Transgender people are still ranked #1 on progressives pound-for-pound most marginalized rankings (see J.K. ROWLING DOUBLES DOWN, WRITES POWERFUL ESSAY AGAINST MILITANT TRANSGENDER ACTIVISM and SCHOOL ALLOWS TRANSGENDERS INTO GIRLS' LOCKER ROOMS. TRANS STUDENT CELEBRATES, GIRL FIGHTS TEARS.). People have an itchy deplatform finger as a result. There was a girl in London, who went to reassign her gender to be a boy. Only now, wants to go back to being a girl. And is suing the NHS because they didn't give her proper warnings before starting her on hormone blockers.

I'm not sure if I have the story right. But I am pretty sure someone one of us is getting cancelled.

Ms Bell wants clinicians to do more to explore the reasons a young person changes gender before they are treated. She believes that during treatment, priority needs to be given to a person's "biological sex as much as their gender identity".

She said: "I am angry about the whole situation because of how things have turned out for me based on the medical pathway that I was put on, but I'm now just trying to focus on changing the system for the better and making it better for minors and children.

"I should have been told to wait and not affirmed in my gender identity I was claiming to have and given intensive therapy basically to make sure that I was on the right track for things and investigate the feelings I was having to figure out how I got to that stage."

Call this cis-privilege or call this common sense, but maybe — just maybe — more thought needs to be given before we allow people under the age of eighteen to start life altering medical treatments. That seems to be an unpopular opinion, at least among leftists. They are so quick to accuse people of "transphobia," medical professionals are throwing science out the window just so that they don't have their lives destroyed by activists. It wouldn't surprise me if there are even cisgender liberals who are calling Ms. Bell a transphobe.

Choose to be who you want to be as an adult, I don't care. But, and this is just a suggestion, but maybe we want to be more protective of children who are still trying to figure life out before we start them down a permanent and life altering medical path,

from Steven Crowder Says