Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Poll: Cancel Culture Is Grossly Unpopular to Most Real Americans

Poll: Cancel Culture Is Grossly Unpopular to Most Real Americans
Brodigan - July 22, 2020 at 09:31AM

There are two groups of people in this country: Leftists who think that no one should be allowed to have a platform to do anything other than promote a progressives agenda and will go to ruin your life if you don't, and everyone else in America. The first group represents cancel culture (see COMEDIAN CALLS OUT LIBERAL VICTIMS OF CANCEL CULTURE: 'THIS IS WHAT YOU IDIOTS WANTED!' and KEVIN HART ON CANCEL CULTURE: 'STUPIDEST S*** I'VE WITNESSED IN MY 40 YEARS OF LIFE') and while a small group, it seems to make up a lot of the clickbait-entertainment complex. The second group represents ... everyone else in America. Real America, made up of people who have a life.

We always assumed we were in the majority, and now we have numbers to back us up.

A plurality (46%) of Americans believe that cancel culture "has gone too far." About a quarter of Americans — many of whom are perhaps blissfully offline — said they didn't know or had no opinion on the matter. When they are removed from the results, a clear majority — across almost every demographic category — says that cancel culture has gone too far.

Being in the majority also points out the problem. Because though many Americans think cancel culture has gone too far, the left is fighting a one-sided war. They'll cry and complain and threaten until they get what they want, whether it's getting people fired from their jobs over an unfortunate video, or demanding names to things get changed because that's what's offensive that week, because caving to them is the path of least resistance. The majority opposing cancel culture is also the majority whose response to this is, "Golly, that's a shame and the company shouldn't have done that." The majority needs to start fighting back, letting these companies know there are consequences to caving to the leftists as well and force them to actually have to make a choice.

No one wants to get involved in politics, but the left has made it clear that politics is coming for you whether you want it to or not. "Cancel culture" is just the weapon of choice right now.

from Steven Crowder Says