Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Nick Sandmann's Attorney Says This Tweet Might Get CNN's Brian Stelter Fired

Nick Sandmann's Attorney Says This Tweet Might Get CNN's Brian Stelter Fired
Brodigan - July 28, 2020 at 08:55AM

Lin Wood, Nick Sandmann's attorney, is racking up wins against the media. Let's go back in time a bit (see NICHOLAS SANDMANN'S LAWYERS RELEASE POWERFUL VIDEO TARGETING MEDIA WHO TARGETED SANDMANN and NICK SANDMANN ISN'T DONE SUING THE PANTS OFF MEDIA. INTENDS TO SUE ABC, CBS, NYTIMES AND ROLLING STONE!). Nick is a kid who went on a school trip to Washington, D.C., and found himself in the middle of a protest. Someone caught video of Nick staring at a protester. Because Nick was wearing a MAGA hat, that person decided Nick was mocking and tormenting the protester, which of course of the major media outlets decided was the case too. The media later learned that isn't what happened, but not before their irresponsible reporting caused liberals to threaten the lives of Nick, his family, and his school.

So enter Sandmann's lawyer, who is suing everyone. So far both CNN and the Washington Post have settled out of court, both with confidentiality agreements. The question now is, did CNN's resident flesh-sack of potatoes Brian Stelter break that agreement with this retweet?

Now, I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the internet. But in my expert opinion, what I think is happening here is that the media is being embarrassed that Sandmann is doing so much winning. They need it to look like they aren't losing, so others on the left are coming out to make claims about what they *think* the settlement was. My feelings are based on two things. 1) If CNN and WaPo look like the good guys here, they wouldn't agree to a confidentiality agreement. 2) Really, for no other reason than f*** CNN and especially f*** that douchebag Stelter.

We'll see where this winds up. Hopefully, with more media outlets contributing to Sandmann's college fund and Stelter crying that he's been canceled.

from Steven Crowder Says