Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Ricky Gervais Used This Year's  Emmy Nominations to Remind Hollywood of Its (Alleged) Pedophile Problem

Ricky Gervais Used This Year's  Emmy Nominations to Remind Hollywood of Its (Alleged) Pedophile Problem
Brodigan - July 28, 2020 at 12:53PM

As if things haven't been hard enough on America what with the riots and 'rona, it's award season time! Time for Hollywood's A-listers to give each other reach-arounds while reveling in the awesomeness of their own farts, with some virtue-signaling over whatever the issue du jour is for good measure. It's already starting off bad for Ricky Gervais, whose brilliant After Life wasn't nominated for an award. Though what was nominated was the "77th Annual Golden Globe Awards," which the comedian both hosted and completely took the piss out of (see RICKY GERVAIS TORCHES HOLLYWOOD'S POLITICS AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES [VIDEO] and RICKY GERVAIS LEVELS THE GOLDEN GLOBES WITH JEFFREY EPSTEIN JOKE [VIDEO]).

So Ricky is zen about it. Also, the industry should do something about its (alleged) pedophile problem.

That always bothers me. Well, obviously the Hollywood (alleged) having sex with kids too. But I mean when award shows get nominated for awards at other award shows. If that doesn't scream "elitists being out of touch with normal people," I don't know what else does. Besides these same people allegedly having sex with kids. Or if they aren't allegedly pedophiles themselves, being friends with alleged pedophiles or turning a blind eye to all the rampant alleged kid-f*cking going on in the entertainment industry.

At the end of the day, if you haven't watch After Life on Netflix yet, you should. Also, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

from Steven Crowder Says