Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Minneapolis Doesn't Want Cops, but Does Want Topless Women in Their Public Parks

Minneapolis Doesn't Want Cops, but Does Want Topless Women in Their Public Parks
Brodigan - July 15, 2020 at 11:07AM

Minneapolis has a lot of problems. Serious problems that serious people should do something about (see LOCAL IDIOT TELLS CNN NOT WANTING YOUR HOME BROKEN INTO 'COMES FROM A PLACE OF PRIVILEGE.' and MSNBC CLAIMS #MINNESOTARIOT IS MOSTLY PEACEFUL WHILE STANDING IN FRONT OF A BURNING BUILDING). So of course, the people from one half of the twin cities is fighting for what's really important. The right for women — and of course transgenders too (can't leave them out) — to take their shirts off in public parks. Because apparently only being allowed to be topless while you are walking down the street isn't enough. Equality and some junk about tolerance and all that.

This is great news for the mammories memories of prepubescent boys playing catch with their friends. Or nightmares. It all depends who has their shirt off.

First off, my dude pushing to repeal the ordinance looks like he just wants to see some boobies. Trust me, we can smell our own. And I do love myself some boobies. But that brings us to the second problem and a problem that always arises when people fight for the right to be nekkid in public. They are never people who you want to see nekkid in public. Or private. Or, like, ever. There's good naked and there's bad naked. Here, let Seinfeld explain.

Good Naked Bad Naked visualization

The word privilege gets thrown around a lot these days. I'd argue the word gets abused, mostly by the left. But with all the problems our country is facing and all the problems that Minneapolis is facing, I can't imagine coming from more of a place of privilege for your big concern to be taking your shirt off in public.

The Adventures of The White Privilege Boys: Traffic Violation! | Louder With Crowder

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