Monday, July 27, 2020

Crazy Mask Nazi Is Caught on Video Pepper-Spraying a Couple for Not Wearing Masks ... While Eating

Crazy Mask Nazi Is Caught on Video Pepper-Spraying a Couple for Not Wearing Masks ... While Eating
Brodigan - July 27, 2020 at 08:39AM

Mask regulations vary from state to state, but one constant is that you don't need to wear a mask while eating food. The mask, when worn properly, covers your mouth, you need your mouth to eat, we're not exactly talking Mensa-level stuff here. But some people are just straight-up crazy people over this stuff (see NEW JERSEY TEACHER HOPES THESE STUDENTS DIE OF COVID-19 and TWO MASKED MORONS CONFRONTED THIS GUY FOR NOT MASKING UP. HIS RESPONSE IS PERFECTION!). Like in San Diego, where this crazy lady attacked a couple for eating and emptied a can of mace on one of them. Allegedly.

She kept calling us idiots and flipping me off. Then she started saying more stuff and I told her to leave the park and stop harassing us. She then came right up to our table where we were eating, pointed the mace at me first and got a little on me, and then my husband stepped in and took the entire can. I am sharing this because people need to watch out for this lady in San Diego.

If you're in the 619 (booyaka booyaka), be on the look out for an unhinged woman with a mask and a dog. Unfortunately this is California, so that describes lots of people. But at least we have this video!

I'm also only providing one side of the story, because that is all I have. Maybe the woman had a good reason to yell at a couple having lunch. Maybe she though the dude's sandwich needed some pepper, and this is all a big misunderstanding. Or, maybe this woman just watches too much CNN and should probably stay quarantined in her home.

And stay there, even after the pandemic is over.

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