Friday, July 24, 2020

Tucker Carlson Just Exposed Why Democrats Want You Miserable. Share it with Your Non-Political Friends...

Tucker Carlson Just Exposed Why Democrats Want You Miserable. Share it with Your Non-Political Friends...
Brodigan - July 24, 2020 at 08:08AM

Democrats are going to do everything in their power to make sure nothing returns to normal until after Election Day. I'm not one who usually goes to the tribalism. Lord knows many of the leaders on my team are nothing to brag about. But it is what it is. Your kids can't go back to school and continue development. Your business can't fully open. Stay socially distant in a mask at all times. Unless of course you want to set buildings on fire, topple statues, or riot on behalf of progressivism (see BILL DE BLASIO SAID THAT PROTESTERS DON'T HAVE TO SOCIAL DISTANCE BECAUSE ... RACISM?! and GAVIN NEWSOM DEMANDS YOU NOT SEE FAMILY ON JULY 4TH, BUT THIS PHOTO LEAVES QUESTIONS ...). You should still wear a mask then, but it's less about COVID than about protecting your identify from authorities who are being ordered not to arrest you in the first place.
This is the country Democrats want right now. Here's Tucker Carlson to explain why.
Tucker: Coronavirus response is being driven by politics
We saw Americans dragged from their stores and beaten unconscious on camera. Some were killed. Most people watching were horrified by this, of course. But professional Democrats were thrilled by it. They slashed police budgets to ensure it would continue, and it did. Crime rates soared. The crackdown on normal people accelerated. Your kids weren't allowed to have graduation ceremonies or get married, but hundreds of thousands of confirmed Joe Biden voters were allowed to flood the streets and break things. And then midsummer came. With the election just months away, America's suffering had to be intensified. It was a political imperative. So schools across the country announced they would stay closed in the fall.
Yes, he gets a little conspiratorial, which I'm not usually about. But I also just bought a fresh roll of aluminum foil and find myself Googling instructions on how to make a ball cap out of it more often.
Also, while Democrats all suck, Republicans lately suck just as hard. People need to be reminded what the word "opposition" means in "opposition party." While the left is looking to destroy anyone and everything that disagrees with them — figuratively, but also literally in some cases — all the right can do is tweet, complain about the press, and focus on things that normies don't actually give a shit about. Wake the f*** up. Some of us, all we actually can do is write about it. We need our leaders we gave the power to lead to actually start leading.
America Is Not Racist (Part Two) | Change My Mind

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