Friday, July 24, 2020

A Gun Shot Wound to the Head? In Florida, You Died of Covid-19...

A Gun Shot Wound to the Head? In Florida, You Died of Covid-19...
Brodigan - July 24, 2020 at 09:34AM

Do they just not know how to do math in Florida? Because this is now the third story on "accidental" "accounting" "mistakes" in the COVID death totals (see SOME FLORIDA COVID TESTING IS OFF BY ONLY ... 89% and FLORIDA MAN DIED IN A MOTORCYCLE CRASH, AND HIS DEATH WAS LISTED AS A COVID-19 DEATH). Of course, as we know, these are all arbitrary human errors that should in no way call in to question the data we're being given on the 'Rona. Or even call in to question the people who are collecting and reporting the data. I'm all about blindly listening to our betters in the expert community. I just hope one of those experts says, "Dude, what the f***?"

The COVID Death Count is Inflated | Change My Mind | Louder with Crowder

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