Monday, July 20, 2020

A Verizon Customer Was So Upset She was Asked to Wear a Mask, She Tinkled on the Floor in Protest

A Verizon Customer Was So Upset She was Asked to Wear a Mask, She Tinkled on the Floor in Protest
Brodigan - July 20, 2020 at 04:38PM

Okay fam, take a knee. I get the criticism of masks and the distrust of the people saying to wear them. It is well documented all the ways our elected officials, the media, and most of the "experts" have abused the public's trust in all things 'Rona related (see GAVIN NEWSOM DEMANDS YOU NOT SEE FAMILY ON JULY 4TH, BUT THIS PHOTO LEAVES QUESTIONS ... and DE BLASIO TELLS COVID CONTACT TRACERS: DON'T ASK ABOUT PROTESTS). I want us to all be in this together. Just please, I am begging you, for the love of God, don't be this person. Don't be the person who, when asked to wear a mask, drops her pants and pees all over the floor of a Verizon Store. Or any store. Or a floor. God almighty.

Setting aside the fact that there is never a good reason to drop your pants and relieve yourself right there on the floor. It doesn't matter what you're protesting. This shouldn't be something that you need to be talked to about, yet here we are. People need to keep in mind that these stores are just following the regulations being forced on them by their local government. Don't take your frustration out retail workers whose faces are just as uncomfortable with a layer of cloth over it as everyone else's. Take out your frustration on the elected officials who have forced us all in this situation. Maybe not tinkle take it out on them. But remember this come Election Day. Metaphorically pee on them by voting them out of office, is what I'm saying.

When you have a meltdown like this at a Verizon or a Costco or anywhere else in public, no one sees you as a patriot standing up for liberty. They see you as the crazy lady who pissed on the floor.

COPS: Feminist Edition ep.02: Man Down! | Crowder Classics (2018)

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