Wednesday, July 15, 2020

This Chart Shows When the Second COVID Outbreak Started. SPOILER: It's Because of the Protests and Riots!

This Chart Shows When the Second COVID Outbreak Started. SPOILER: It's Because of the Protests and Riots!
Brodigan - July 15, 2020 at 07:00AM

America is in the mist of a second wave of the 'rona. The left would have you believe that it's because of too many of you going to the same bar or worshiping at the same church, and NOT the weeks of super-spreader events (see DE BLASIO TELLS COVID CONTACT TRACERS: DON'T ASK ABOUT PROTESTS and GAVIN NEWSOM DEMANDS YOU NOT SEE FAMILY ON JULY 4TH, BUT THIS PHOTO LEAVES QUESTIONS ...). Funny thing, though. The New York Times, when it isn't cyberbullying Bari Weiss, runs a graphic charting the course of the rona over the past few months. See what happens when you point out a few dates, like Erick Erickson does.

So, states started reopening and cases went down a tad. Memorial Day happened and it still trended downward. Leftists started peacefully rioting and protesting in the streets, and cases shot up like a 13-year-old who just discovered his father's secret collection of nudie mags.

The outbreak we are in is 100% because of the left. It's because of progressives. It's because of the same sanctimonious douchebags who attacked regular Americans for being anti-science any time we questioned how what we were being told about how to combat the 'rona didn't always make the most sense. Especially since those same sanctimonious douchebags kept contradicting themselves.

This doesn't change the mess we're in now because of them. People should wear a mask and social distance, and I'll let voters decide what to do when their politicians say they need to shut down again. But let's cut the gaslighting of those of us who did what we were supposed to by the assclowns who didn't and by the other assclowns in the media-entertainment complex who came out in support of the first group of assclowns.

The peaceful rioters and the rest of the left put their own self-interests over everyone else in the country. They're so selfish.

from Steven Crowder Says