Friday, July 17, 2020

This Local Bar Found a Brilliant Way Around Andrew Cuomo's Latest Tyranical COVID Restriction

This Local Bar Found a Brilliant Way Around Andrew Cuomo's Latest Tyranical COVID Restriction
Brodigan - July 17, 2020 at 07:44AM

People from New York City, when they aren't selfishly out on the streets protesting in giant super-spreader events, apparently like to crowd bars in a non-socially distant way. I guess they feel they haven't spread the New York City virus around the country enough already. So here comes Andrew Cuomo to save the day (see WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19 and REPORT: LOOKS LIKE NYC MIGHT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING COVID NATION-WIDE). He passed a regulation that says you can't order a drink at a bar or restaurant unless you order food as well, I guess to prevent people from recklessly *checks notes* standing around and drinking.

Only because he's a tyrant, instead of only doing this in New York City where the problem is (and quite frankly, where the problems always are), he mandated this statewide. Though one intrepid bar owner in upstate New York (aka real New York) figured out a hack around it.

This is only the opinion of one New Yorker who likes the sauce, but I've already been doubling or tripling my usual tip during the pandemic since I've been lucky to still be working all this time. Also, unlike some of our elected officials, I heart my community and we all really are in this together. If you're asking me to kick in an extra dollar to both help a local business stay open AND troll Chris's idiot brother, I'm more than happy to. As a matter of fact, a round of Cuomo Chips on me!

from Steven Crowder Says