Friday, July 31, 2020

Poll: A HUGE Majority of Americans Still Blame China for the Coronavirus

Poll: A HUGE Majority of Americans Still Blame China for the Coronavirus
Brodigan - July 31, 2020 at 11:14AM

I'd like to correct myself. Earlier this week in a post, I wrote that we are past referring to the coronavirus as the "China virus." AKA the Karate Flu aka the Kung Flu aka Wuhan Got You All Check aka Wuhan Flu Ain't Nuthin' to F' Wit. Turns out, I was wrong. According to a new Pew poll, and insane majority of Americans blame the virus on the country it originated from. How huge? 78% huge. Dare I say, YUGE!

More than three-quarters of Americans — 78 percent — place a "great deal or fair amount of the blame" on China for the virus' spread around the world, according to the study published Thursday by the Pew Research Center. Another 73 percent of respondents said they had "unfavorable" views of the country — a figure that rose 26 percentage points since 2018, the surveyors found.

Of course, while fingers point to China for where the virus originated from, that does not make China responsible for the current outbreak. The blame there of course lies with liberal protesters (see THIS CHART SHOWS WHEN THE SECOND COVID OUTBREAK STARTED. SPOILER: IT'S BECAUSE OF THE PROTESTS AND RIOTS! and THESE TWO IMAGES PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATE ANDREW CUOMO FLAGRANT COVID-19 HYPOCRISY). However, it's worth pointing out that when the media criticizes the president for blaming China — the same media trying to gaslight Americans that it was you going to church without a mask and NOT the protesters to blame — the majority of Americans agree with Trump here.

So while I still think we're past the "China virus" and personally prefer calling it the New York City virus, I acknowledge that I am of the minority opinion.

from Steven Crowder Says