Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Biden Thinks You're Dumb Enough to Believe He 'Can’t Do Much' About Gas Prices, Thinks You'll Blame Russia

Biden Thinks You're Dumb Enough to Believe He 'Can’t Do Much' About Gas Prices, Thinks You'll Blame Russia
Brodigan - March 08, 2022 at 05:36PM

Today was one of the more absurd days of Joe Biden's presidency. He announced a ban on US imports of Russian oil. That's good ONLY IF it's coupled with an increase in American energy production. The people who control Joe Biden won't do that. They want you to buy luxury cars. Instead of blaming Biden, you are to blame either the oil companies or the Russians. It depends on what talking points Biden remembers at the time.

During President Tapiocabrain's trip to Texas, it was the Russians. Don't blame Joe Biden. Joe Biden, the president of the United States, is helpless. He says so himself.

Joe Biden, who once asked if we ever thought we'd be "paying this much for gas" a dollar less a gallon ago, thinks we're all idiots.

The very first thing he did as president was kill the US energy sector when he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline. This sent a message to all other energy companies not to bother because they would be next.

Jen Psaki has stated that high energy prices help the Biden Agenda. She also signaled they were going to blame already high prices on a war that hadn't started yet.

Just yesterday, the Biden Administration held an event to tell Americans the key to lower energy costs is to go out and buy a $55,000 car.

And now Joe Biden says there is nothing he can do as gas prices are about to skyrocket. The President of the United States wants you to believe he is helpless. Helpless against the actions of a foreign country. And he wants you to blame that country instead of himself. Think long and hard about that.

Think twice as long and hard if you're one of the 81,000,000 chuckleheads who have some explaining to do.

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from Steven Crowder Says