Tuesday, March 1, 2022

‘Abolish White People’: Education Professor Indoctrinates Future Teachers Into the CRT Cult

‘Abolish White People’: Education Professor Indoctrinates Future Teachers Into the CRT Cult
Joseph Gunderson - March 01, 2022 at 07:39AM

Yesterday, I wrote about how parents in the state of Washington have been choosing to homeschool or transfer their children to charter and private schools, causing the enrollment at public schools to tank. Well, this is exactly why that needs to happen.

Zeus Leonardo, a professor of education at the University of California at Berkeley, just dumped a load of Critical Race Theory right into the mushy brains of future teachers.

As reported by Not the Bee, in a lecture to his students, Leonardo openly stated that “to abolish whiteness is to abolish white people,” for to allow the working class to come together, to achieve “class unity” and reach “their goal,” white people cannot exist. You see, the existence of white people is the cause of “racial and gender struggles.”

This isn’t a joke. This is the terrible reality of the education system.

Christopher Rufo, who has been leading the charge against CRT and various other woke movements in education, had his own critique of this lecture saying, “This kind of language—abolishing an entire race of people—should be stigmatized, not subsidized by taxpayers. The public university system has been corrupted by ideologues who pursue far-left activism, not genuine knowledge. We need deep structural reforms to turn it around.”

And he’s right, but I don’t think it’s possible to reform this system when the pervasive ideas have already been injected into the bloodstream. The professors who teach the educators are spreading it each semester at every college (this same nonsense was being peddled at my alma mater when I was still going for a double major in English and education).

Take a look at what this one professor has been publishing for more than a decade: Race, Whiteness, and Education (2009), The story of schooling: Critical race theory and the educational racial contract (2013), Race Frameworks: A Multidimensional Theory of Racism and Education (2014), Education and Racism (2018), Intersectionality, race-gender subordination, and education (2018); and that’s just a few. A comprehensive list can be found on his bio at UC-Berkeley.

And he’s not the only one. How do you reform that short of firing every single professor and K-12 teacher and starting completely over?

Furthermore, did anyone catch the overtly Marxist language at the end? “Class unity,” achieving the collective goals of the working class, which is currently being prevented by internal class struggle. These notions are paraphrased directly from Marx and Engels. This movement is a direct descendant of classical Marxism. Where all the little Marxists in days gone by failed to awaken true class consciousness, the Marxists of today will do so by first pitting the races against one another, abolishing one, and only then, calling for the remainder to overthrow the bourgeoisie.

Your children are being taught by teachers who, either wittingly or unwittingly, have been taught to push Marxist ideas on them. The entire goal of this movement is a complete overthrow of what America is and to usher in a utopia that will never be. But they’ll ruin your children—make them hate each other and themselves—if it means they have a shot.

On a final note, these teachers don’t just go into public schools. The private and charter schools are in no way immune from this disease. Although, they have managed to slow it down a bit. The best bet is still homeschooling, but if you’re trusting others to teach your children, you should be aware of what they’re being taught because these people are walking those hallways.

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