Friday, July 2, 2021

Woke Military Exposed: Forcing Soldiers to Wear Badges Based on Their Race?

Woke Military Exposed: Forcing Soldiers to Wear Badges Based on Their Race?
Brodigan - July 02, 2021 at 09:42AM

Joe Biden has yet to meet an American institution that he hasn't wanted to inject his brand of woke cultural Marxism into. Or, not his brand as much as the brand of the people who run him. Biden just repeats what he's told depending on who has their hand up his rectum and is controlling him like a Muppet. An ethnically diverse group of parents and students have been fighting to keep it from infecting our schools. Rep. Dan Crenshaw is exposing it in our military.

His latest whistleblower files take us to Fort Bliss in Texas. Where service members are forced to wear identification badges that identify their ethnicity. Yes, I am thinking what you're thinking,

According to this report, during an "inclusion exercise," service members were required to create and wear personal identification badges.

You enlist in the military to serve your country and to protect the Constitution. But before you can, please sit down at this table that has construction paper, crayons, and a bedazzling gun.

These personal identification badges, which again, were mandatory as part of this exercise, listed a service member's race-ethnicity, social class, and other things meant to separate people based on their identity groups.

I kinda feel like forcing people to wear identification badges based on their ethnicity would be something our military would go to war over. Back in the olden days, at least. Where we need to make arts and crafts a part of basic training.

These personal identification badges actually require people to reduce themselves to a whole list to characteristics that have nothing to do with their service or training. Or, the content of their character, for that matter.

Exposing this information is valuable, but it doesn't go far enough. It needs to expose who is greenlighting these exercises. And those people need to testify under oath what exactly they hope to accomplish. I want to know the thought process. Because to my untrained eye, everything we are doing to force division in our military sounds detrimental to our military. I'm assuming the people whose idea these exercises are disagree. Who are they? What is their background? Can their names go on a list so we can make sure they stay away from children?

It's literally life and death that our military members trust each other and have each other's backs. There are people who work in our government who believe before we send soldiers into combat, we need to isolate them based on their skin color and gender. Those people need to be forced to explain themselves.

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