Friday, July 2, 2021

White House Wants You to Praise Joe Biden, Claiming Your BBQ Is a Whopping Sixteen Cents Cheaper

White House Wants You to Praise Joe Biden, Claiming Your BBQ Is a Whopping Sixteen Cents Cheaper
Brodigan - July 02, 2021 at 07:10AM

Maybe Joe Biden isn't the biggest chucklehead working in the White House. He's the most visible one, as we watch him mentally fall apart in public appearance after public appearance after public appearance. There's a chance that Biden is actually the brains of the operation. It would be the only way to explain someone working at the White House thinking THIS TWEET was a good idea. If you are BBQing the July Fourth, be sure to thank Joe Biden and his economic plan. Because of that, you saved a whopping SIXTEEN cents.

Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news. According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It's a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that's something we can all relish.

Set aside the math for a second. Whoever wrote that tweet needs to be #MeToo'd for their utter raping of the English language. One pun is bad enough. Three puns and you're treating words like Bill Cosby treats budding starlets. They aren't even good puns. "Ketchup" on the news? Your entire social media TEAM who came up with this needs to be blacklisted from ever working on the internet.

The math comes from a Washington D.C. lobbying firm. Or, if I'm using precision of language, the math was cherry-picked from the lobbying firm. That same firm also says the cost of the following items has gone UP: Strawberries, cookies, hamburger buns, homemade potato salad, and chicken breasts. In order to demand praise for Joe Biden, they cherry-picked the few items where the cost went down. And the best they could come up with is sixteen cents. They also left out the beer.

Americans are struggling with rising gas prices and cost of living. But YAY JOE BIDEN for saving us sixteen cents! Sixteen cents for one meal, thanks to legislation that COST taxpayers $5,700 for every $1,400 stimulus check we were sent.

The president is a puddinghead. The people who work for him are imbeciles. Even more offensive, they think all of us are the dumb ones.

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from Steven Crowder Says