Thursday, July 1, 2021

Joe Biden's Super Pissed SCOTUS Ruled in Favor of AZ's Voting Law. Here's Why It's Good for America ...

Joe Biden's Super Pissed SCOTUS Ruled in Favor of AZ's Voting Law. Here's Why It's Good for America ...
Brodigan - July 01, 2021 at 02:07PM

As you say your prayers tonight, please include the former president. His desire to own the libs through appointing THREE Supreme Court justices paid off bigly today. SCOTUS ruled 6-3 that Arizona's voter integrity reforms are perfectly legal. Arizona's laws flew mostly under the radar. Unlike in Georgia, there was no Stacey Abrams to lie about them to further her political career. Unlike in Florida, their governor isn't the apple of the eye of conservatives like Ron DeSantis. Still, they passed laws that strengthen voter integrity, and Democrats hate that. Like Joe Biden.

Today's decision by the Supreme Court undercuts voting rights in this country — and makes it all the more crucial to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore and expand voting protections. Our democracy depends on it.

Here's the dummies version of what happened today. Arizona passed a bunch of commonsense voter integrity laws: voter ID, no ballot harvesting, you have to vote in your precinct, etc. Democrats think any law requiring any voter integrity is a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It allows them to claim any voting integrity laws are both illegal AND racist.

The Supreme Court ruled today that allowing basic guidelines and some restrictions is not akin to voter suppression. So sayeth Justice Alito.

[Arizona's law] makes it quite easy for residents to vote, and when restrictions are applied, the state goes out of its way to alleviate any substantive burdens to voting. Any burdens that remain are commonplace and not discriminatory.
Having to identify one's own polling place and then travel there to vote does not exceed the 'usual burdens of voting. On the contrary, these tasks are quintessential examples of the usual burdens of voting.

Where this leaves Biden is with a soon-to-be-failed DOJ lawsuit against Georgia. His lawsuit is based on all the lies being told about Georgia's voter integrity law, many of which came from Biden's mouth. Georgia's law was never as bad as Democrats and the media made it out to be. Laws are more strict in New York and Biden's home state of Delaware. The DOJ suit was really just to make up for Biden's failed attempt to nationalize elections with the "For the People" Act.

Now, there is Supreme Court precedent stating all the untruths Democrats say about voting laws being "suppression" are simply not true. SCOTUS got this one right.

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