Thursday, July 15, 2021

'Have a Backbone': Ron DeSantis Issues Fiery Challenge to Conservatives Willing to Fight

'Have a Backbone': Ron DeSantis Issues Fiery Challenge to Conservatives Willing to Fight
Brodigan - July 15, 2021 at 05:07PM

This week in Joe Biden has made it clear what's at stake. The spending was bad enough. The border crisis was bad enough. Saying out loud he believes Americans "yield their rights to the government" was insane. But this week, the people who run Biden made it clear they are anti-privacy, pro-Big Tech censorship, and think it's the absolute right of government to control you. The right needs to be ready to fight on all fronts for the next four years. Or as Ron DeSantis says, put on our big boy pants and grow a spine.

I'm not saying America's Governor's speech to the ADF Summit is his audition for 2024. I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying you should watch it and take notes.

Academia, corporate media, big tech, big business – all of them adopt in various degrees a leftist, woke perspective in terms of what they want to see. That's what the battlefield looks like and if you stand up for the truth, you're going to face the wrath of these institutions in many respects,. The media will almost assuredly try to smear you, Big Tech may censor you, and big business may even try to boycott you, boycott your state, boycott your jurisdiction, but that's what you have to be willing to put up with.

Have the backbone and the wherewithal to be willing to stand for those right things when the going gets tough when the lights get hot when people are throwing stuff at you and are trying to smear you.

Conservatives know who is against us. It's everyone DeSantis mentioned, and it keeps getting worse. The rub is we don't always know who is going to fight for us. A lot of our leaders talk a good game. Not many back up those words with action. Look no further than how little was done about Big Tech censorship when they had full control of Washington.

The reason why we're enamored by DeSantis is that we've seen all of the usual suspects come after him for the last sixteen months (media, Big Tech, DC elite, etc). We've not only seen him fight back, we've seen him EFFECTIVELY fight back. The conservative reforms we all want to see on a national level he's gotten passed in Florida. Governors in deep-red states don't always get that done.

Conservatives will fight for someone they know will fight for them. Will that person be DeSantis in a few years? Things are going to suck if it isn't.

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SIDE BY SIDE: 60 Minutes EXPOSED! DeSantis Hit Piece! | Louder With Crowder

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