Thursday, July 15, 2021

Biden Admin Demands Big Tech 'Impose Clear Consequences' for What They Deem 'Misinformation'

Biden Admin Demands Big Tech 'Impose Clear Consequences' for What They Deem 'Misinformation'
Brodigan - July 15, 2021 at 01:18PM

Joe Biden's surgeon general released a report today calling on Big Tech to do better in fighting "medical misinformation." It would appear that in the eyes of the Biden administration, Big Tech hasn't been throttling, censoring, and blocking enough this year. Sure, things Facebook and Twitter blocked that they had called "misinformation" at one point turned out to be accurate when the right people started agreeing. But according to the ominously titled "The U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment," they need to do better. These "suggestions" stood out.

  • Impose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies. The Biden administration just endorsed deplatforming. But only for "medical" "misinformation."
  • Prioritize protecting health professionals, journalists, and others from online harassment, including harassment resulting from people believing in misinformation. The Biden administration wants it so that you can't criticize people who support the Biden administration.
  • Give researchers access to useful data to properly analyze the spread and impact of misinformation because they "need data on what people see and hear, not just what they engage with, and what content is moderated." And there goes what's left of our privacy.

HOWEVER, the surgeon general wants it to be clear his advisory "focuses on health information specifically, not other kinds of misinformation." He also agrees defining misinformation is a "challenging task" and has limitations. Also, while this Biden official is calling on Big Tech to do more about medical "misinformation," the Big Tech companies have already started labeling criticism of Biden's economy "misinformation." Draw your own conclusions there.

The question comes down to defining "misinformation." Because as it stands now, Big Tech has declared it's only accurate medical information if it comes from the CDC or the WHO. Two government bureaucracies with a history of corruption and getting things WRONG. Any other medical information, no matter how sourced or how credentialed, run the risk of being removed or deplatformed. This website knows about it firsthand. You are only allowed to find medical information Big Tech lets you find. Big Tech only allows medical information that has been approved by "science"-based government agencies.

Feel free to read the report and decide for yourself how concerned you are. But in the past week, the administration has said they have a right to know our personal medical decisions, has called on private companies to monitor text messages, and has called in the United Nations. I'm confident in assuming the worst.

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