If you get your news from anywhere other than CNN, you already know how Sweden handled the 'rona. Some of us have been shouting out loud about it for months (see MEANWHILE IN SWEDEN: COVID CASES AND DEATH PLUMMETS. WITHOUT A SHUTDOWN, MASKS, OR PANIC... and SWEDEN FLIPS THE BIRD TO WHO'S FACE MASK RECOMMENDATION). Some of us have also had videos blocked on YouTube and seen our reach cut on Facebook because shouting out loud about Sweden contradicted "the experts." According to our betters in Silicon Valley, a blog post illustrating facts about how a different country handled the 'rona is no different than a meme saying you should shoot hydroxychloroquine cut with window cleaner in your ass because Trump said so.
I wonder how this clip from the Today Show will go, as NBC News has suddenly discovered what happened in Sweden. And is wondering if maybe, just maybe, we can learn a lesson from them.