Saturday, October 31, 2020

Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters 'Ugly Folk,' They Respond by Blaring Their Car Horns Louder

Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters 'Ugly Folk,' They Respond by Blaring Their Car Horns Louder
Brodigan - October 31, 2020 at 09:25AM

The past few days for Joe Biden has been rough. It makes you wonder why he ever bothered leaving the basement (see JOE BIDEN TELLS PENNSYLVANIA HE'LL LEAD A STRATEGY TO ... NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THE REST and BOMBSHELL: FORENSIC EXPERT CONCLUDES 'SMOKING GUN' HUNTER BIDEN E-MAIL IS 100% REAL). The poor guy just wanted to give a speech in the crucial battleground state of *checks notes* Minnesota? Anyway, some nogoodnicks identified by the GOP War Room as Trump Supporters showed up to the outdoor speech and blasted their car horns as Biden tried to speak.

So Joe did what Joe does. He made fun of their looks.

UFC's Jorge Masvidal Talks Why He's Campaigning For Trump | Ash Wednesday

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from Steven Crowder Says

Ryan Long Calls Halloween an Amazing Holiday ... for Cancel Culture Bloggers

Ryan Long Calls Halloween an Amazing Holiday ... for Cancel Culture Bloggers
Brodigan - October 31, 2020 at 06:12AM

Leftists have been pretty busy trying to destroy your life over supporting Donald Trump or having questions about masks in 2020. Sadly, I'm not sure they have much left for a War on Halloween this year. Which is a shame, because the left is at their most unhingediness when it comes to harmless costumes (see SCREW OFF LEFTISTS, STOP TRYING TO RUIN HALLOWEEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS and FEMALE COMEDIAN MOCKS THE LEFT'S OUTRAGE AT HALLOWEEN). I even feel bad for the libs, because I know nothing makes them feel more alive than when they get to attack parents for a kid dressed as the wrong Disney princess. It's like a national holiday for them, as Ryan Long points out in this video.

Crowder Teaches HodgeTwins Brazilian JiuJitsu! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

WATCH: Steven Crowder details the CHAOTIC scene in Philadelphia

WATCH: Steven Crowder details the CHAOTIC scene in Philadelphia
Tarah Price - October 30, 2020 at 07:54PM

In this clip, Steven Crowder discussed recent Black Lives Matter riots and protests that broke out Monday night in Philadelphia.

According to Steven, Black Lives Matter retaliated against the Philadelphia Police Department on Monday after 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr., who was armed with a knife, was shot and killed by responding officers.

Steven explained that the chaos continued Tuesday, and was exacerbated due to police orders to refrain from arresting the individuals rioting and looting at a Walmart and other discount stores in a Philadelphia strip mall. He added that police were ordered to respond to "Priority" calls only, meaning riot-related disturbance, a missing person, stolen vehicle, burglary, or theft went unanswered.

What prompted the riots?

The Blaze reported that a viral video captured the chaos broke out in Philadelphia Monday night after the deadly police shooting of Wallace Jr. During the incident, Wallace reportedly walked toward officers and refused to drop his knife. Watch the clip for more details.

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, October 30, 2020

Joe Biden Tells Pennsylvania He'll Lead a Strategy To ... No One Understands the Rest

Joe Biden Tells Pennsylvania He'll Lead a Strategy To ... No One Understands the Rest
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 01:53PM

The joke was that Joe Biden should have called a lid for the rest of the campaign. Stay home on his front porch with a blanket covering his legs so he doesn't catch his death. The fear was that when he has to speak in public or be relied upon to form sentences, that's not really his strong point (see A DJ REMIXED SOME OF JOE BIDEN'S BRAINFARTS INTO A SONG. IT'S KINDA AWESOME! and BIDEN TELLS 56% OF AMERICANS BETTER OFF UNDER TRUMP THEY SHOULDN'T VOTE FOR HIM. THEN HE GOT INSULTING). Judging from this clip that the Trump Campaign is putting out, locking Biden in the basement may have been a better campaign tactic.

Watch. Listen closely. See if you have any idea what the heck he's trying to say.

You're going to mobilize what now?

I can almost hear "under pressure." Maybe he got confused, thought this was his 1988 campaign and was expecting David Bowie and Freddie Mercury to hop and stage and sing a little ditty. Sure, they were British and couldn't vote for him. So was Neil Kinnock. It was 1988 and Biden had no f*cks to give about details.

Other than that, I'm at a loss. But ten bucks says the mainstream media is already being deployed to clean up for him, claim he said whatever the Biden campaign told them he said, and claim Republicans are "seizing" on a video. They'll probably even find a way to blame Russia. Until then, hit me up in the comments. What do YOU think Joe Biden said? Or was even trying to say?

from Steven Crowder Says

Trump Flashback: Disrespecting, Walking Out on CNN Thirty Years Ago

Trump Flashback: Disrespecting, Walking Out on CNN Thirty Years Ago
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 12:02PM

Some videos really do speak for themselves. The narrative is Americans only started thinking the media sucks at life recently (see CNN'S JIM ACOSTA WHINES, SHARES VIDEO OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS REMINDING HIM HOW TERRIBLE HE IS and CNN ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSES ITSELF WITH THIS CHYRON EXCUSING VIOLENT RIOTS IN KENOSHA), and that President Trump is to blame. When really, the media has sucked ass for at least thirty years. Don't believe me? Let's just ask private citizen Trump.

The embed may look a little jacked up, but just hit the play button and enjoy while I wrestle with the fact he's a year younger than I am in this video.

Ali vs. Fraiser. Yankees vs. Red Sox. Donald Trump vs. CNN. Some rivalries simply stand the test of time and span generations. Here's to thirty years of Donald Trump owning, dunking on, disrespecting, embarrassing, humiliating, and otherwise seeing that the network gets straight up bodied any chance he gets. Maybe he continue to do so for at least four more years.

EXIT QUESTION: Sound off in the comments with your favorite CNN fail. Mine was during the post-9/11 anthrax scare. Scott Ian, founder of the band Anthrax, joked that he was changing the band name to "Field of Fluffy Bunnies." CNN ran it as a chryon as if he was serious.

from Steven Crowder Says

Don Lemon Gets Sour, Brags About Cutting Trump Supporters Out of His Life

Don Lemon Gets Sour, Brags About Cutting Trump Supporters Out of His Life
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 09:20AM

Maybe it's because my politics don't match the state I live in, but I never understood the concept of not being friends with someone because they have a different opinion than me. I suppose if you're are that much of a low information progressive dope that you honestly believe anyone who disagrees with you is a racist sexist homophobe, you might have your reasons. Stupid reasons, but they'd be your stupid reasons. Me? If I disagree with you about politics that strongly, we'll just talk about something else. That's how grown ups act.

As opposed to people like Don Lemon (see DON LEMON ATTACKS TRUMP SUPPORTERS FOR WANTING LOWER TAXES. YEAH, AND? and DON LEMON OFFERS EXPLANATION ABOUT HIS BEHAVIOR AND YES, HE'S STILL A DOUCHE) who will not only kick you out of his life, he'll brag about it on his TV show.

We go now to a live press conference of the Trump supporers Don Lemon said he didn't want to play with anymore, already in progress.

Don Lemon should anonymous submit his story to an "AITA" listserv, which stands for "Am I The @$$hole?" SPOILER: Yes, Don Lemon. You are in face the @$$hole here.

That's if these people in his life even existed in the first place. Knowing how closed minded and intolerant most New York City liberals are, I have a hard time believing Lemon even knows anyone that offensively MAGAsexual to begin with, let alone be close enough to them that screaming "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US" would even matter. But hey, Don Lemon is a CNN employee. I'm sure he's totally telling us the truth.

from Steven Crowder Says

Louisville Police Officer Suing Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend for Shooting Him

Louisville Police Officer Suing Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend for Shooting Him
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 07:59AM

It's sad that Breonna Taylor was caught in the crossfire when police executed a warrant on her drug dealing boyfriend Kenneth Walker. Not that leftist activists care about things like facts and details (see A U-HAUL TRUCK JUST DROPPED OFF SUPPLIES FOR BREONNA TAYLOR 'PROTESTERS' IN LOUISVILLE and CHARLES BARKLEY COURAGEOUSLY TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT BREONNA TAYLOR). But this story now has an interesting plot twist. Jonathan Mattingly, one of the police officers who was shot by the boyfriend, is suing the boyfriend for emotional distress.

The FULL STORY of Breonna Taylor's Death | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Bombshell: Forensic Expert Concludes 'Smoking Gun' Hunter Biden E-Mail is 100% Real

Bombshell: Forensic Expert Concludes 'Smoking Gun' Hunter Biden E-Mail is 100% Real
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 07:33AM

The Hunter Biden/laptop brouhaha is one that isn't going away. No matter how hard Big Tech and the Biden-loving media try to memory hole the story and anyone who shares it (see UNREAL: TWITTER NOW CENSORING GOVERNMENT WEBSITES FROM SHARING THE HUNTER BIDEN STORY and HUNTER BIDEN ASSOCIATE TONY BOBULINSKI: I HAVE E-MAILS, DOCUMENTS THAT PROVE EVERYTHING). The laptop was a treasure trove of douchebaggery, but let's focus on the part of it that involves Joe Biden. You know, the guy running for president.

Outstanding work from The Daily Caller, who got forensic expert Robert Graham to analyze the laptop and everything on it. There was one email that was of particular interest. The "smoking gun" that showed Hunter Biden introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, the Vice President of the United States.

Graham, who has been cited as a cybersecurity expert in The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Wired, Engadget and other news and technology outlets, told the DCNF that he used a cryptographic signature found in the email's metadata to validate that Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma's board of directors, emailed Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015.

The email was sent less than a year before Joe Biden pressured former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire a prosecutor who was reportedly investigating the gas company in return for a $1 billion loan guarantee.

Of course, this one email doesn't prove that Joe Biden pulled strings for his son. But it does heavily imply it. It does leave the opening for a reporter with the slightest bit of intellectually honest curiosity to investigate further. As opposes to if this had been Donald and Eric Trump. Where if an anonymous source claimed that Trump so much as said the word "Burisma," it would be enough to declare him guilty. Instead, we have the Biden Campaign actively praising the people who are burying the story on their behalf.

Three days left before Election Day, and I have no idea if this story will resonate with voters or cut through all the noise that comes with it being the finals seventy-two hours. If we had a fair and unbiased press, I wouldn't have to guess.

from Steven Crowder Says

JP Sears Found a Disease Worse Than COVID: Thinking For Yourself

JP Sears Found a Disease Worse Than COVID: Thinking For Yourself
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 07:08AM

This country is in a pandemic. I guess, technically, the entire world is in a pandemic. But this country is the only one that matters. There's a pandemic worse than COVID-19 and/or the coronavirus, and our government isn't doing nearly enough to combat it. The disease is people thinking for themselves about COVID-19 and/or the coronavirus. Also, probably who to vote for too. Let my personal life coach JP Sears (see COMEDIAN JP SEARS APPLIES 'PANDEMIC THINKING' TO EVERYTHING, ILLUSTRATING HOW SILLY IT IS and COMEDIAN MOCKS AMERICANS' BLIND FAITH IN THE MEDIA AND THE 'NARRATIVE') explain more and illustrate some warning signs to be mindful of.

FACT CHECKING the Fact-Checkers! YouTube Lies With 'Fact-Pop-Ups'! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Hip Hop for Trump? Lil' Wayne Praises POTUS Plan for Black Americans

Hip Hop for Trump? Lil' Wayne Praises POTUS Plan for Black Americans
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 06:46AM

Turns out Lil' Wayne is in the building, 50 Cent is just on the list of guest names. The rapper became the latest hip hop head to praise Donald Trump's "Platinum Plan," aimed at creating economic empowerment in the African-American community. Versus Joe Biden's plan of yelling that Trump only denounced white supremacy eight out of ten times. Though unlike Ice Cube who just talked to the campaign and 50 who may have just been bored on Instagram, Weezy actually tweeted a photo with the president.

This isn't all that surprising if you know it's not the first time Lil' Wayne has spoken out against the left's preferred narrative (see LIL' WAYNE SCHOOLS IDIOT REPORTER OVER #BLACKLIVESMATTER. AND IT'S PERFECT! and LIL' WAYNE DOUBLES DOWN. REVEALS PERSONAL 'I'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED RACISM' STORY). What I find really curious are endorsements like this and the Flint councilman coming out now, just before Election Day, when at least according to the public polling Trump looks like he's going to lose. People generally don't come out at the last minute to support the guy who is going down. Unless there is something to the talk that Trump is seeing a surge of support from black and hispanic voters.

All the focus now needs to be on GOTV. But after Election Day, I'm really curious to go through the numbers. I've been fascinated seeing the growing support for Trump from many of the left's preferred marginalized groups, considering how much energy has been invested by the left to paint Trump as their enemy.

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, October 29, 2020

All Three Networks Agree: Donald Trump Led a Post Pandemic Economic Recovery

All Three Networks Agree: Donald Trump Led a Post Pandemic Economic Recovery
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 01:17PM

The biggest problem Democrats were going to have running against Donald Trump was the Trump economy. All of the ill-advised tweets in all the land weren't going to change the fact that the economy under Trump was, quite frankly, yuge (see JIM CRAMER: TRUMP'S ECONOMY "THE BEST NUMBERS OF OUR LIVES" and JOBS REPORT: MORE GREAT NEWS FOR AMERICA AND DONALD TRUMP). What dumb luck we'd have a global pandemic to tank the economy by "forcing" us to shut it down! Suddenly, nominating a vegetable like Joe Biden didn't matter. As long as the global pandemic shut down the economy, it would be smooth sailing for the Democrat nominee.

Until Thursday morning when the GDP numbers were released and saw the economy grew at over THIRTY-THREE PERCENT! How stunning was this? Cable news was forced to admit this was good for Trump.

Joe Scarborough was the most gracious, and took a break from saying that if Trump had his druthers, he'd kill reporters.

FBN’s Payne: “These Numbers Are Absolutely Remarkable”

And CNN tried has hard as they could to refocus everyone on the pandemic. Sure, 33.1% is good and all, but FEAR!

CNN’s Romans: “We Saw The Economy Snap Back 33.1% Annual Rate Of GDP Growth”

Politics and elections under Trump are anything but traditional, so take this next sentence for whatever it's worth. But traditionally, the last 72 hours before election day are the most important. That's when undecided voters become decided, and where stunning upsets start to percolate. Joe Biden just lost his biggest argument against Trump for those last 72 hours, a "tanking" economy. Unless of course Democrats want to poo-poo incredible news that positively affects millions and millions of Ameican families. I supposed that's an option.

I'm not sure what the Trump Campaign has everyone preparing to do right now and for the next few days, but I pray beating people over the head with this news (figuratively speaking) is top of the list.

Elijah Schaffer LIVE: It's Always Bloody In Philadelphia! | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Democrat City Council Member Endorses Trump with Fiery Speech That Could Put Michigan in Play

Democrat City Council Member Endorses Trump with Fiery Speech That Could Put Michigan in Play
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 11:46AM

Maurice Davis is an African-American city councilman in Flint, Michigan. He supported Hillary Clinton four years ago. For the presidential race next Tuesday, this African-American councilman from a state Joe Biden is up seven points-ish in the polls, came out today to endorse Donald Trump. Not only is Councilman Davis endorsing Trump, but he gave a fiery speech that makes one of the best cases for the president I've heard yet.

Right now the narrative has been spent, President Trump is full of hate. Let me tell you something, the Democrats are full of hate. I'm tired. I'm a Democrat, I've been a Democrat all my life. The last four years I voted for Hillary Clinton. This year I decided to go with President Trump. I am not a bootlicker, I am not an Uncle Tom. I'm none of those things.

Instead of being the divided states of America, it's time to be the United States of America. Do y'all understand what I am telling you?

I know I do. I also know that local officials can tend to have more of an influence in their communities than more national politicians do, and that in 2016 the vote difference in Michigan was under 11,000 votes. Every. Single. Vote. Counts. Especially in some of our cities, where Trump has been making surprising inroads with black and hispanic voters (see DONALD TRUMP SEEING A SURGE IN BLACK SUPPORT JUST BEFORE ELECTION DAY and UFC'S JORGE MASVIDAL SHARES A VERY PERSONAL REASON FOR SUPPORTING DONALD TRUMP).

Now, much like fig jam with a nice brie (sorry, the girlfriend just got in to charcuterie), I want you to pair this speech with this Democrat congresswoman informing CNN who the Michigan auto workers are voting for. HINT: It's not the guy who likes sniffing children.

Dem Rep Concedes Auto Workers In MI “Were Very Clear W/ Me…They Were Voting For Pres Trump”

Just my opinion, but Trump winning is going to take another upset. Supporters of the candidate who is behind can sometimes rely too much on anecdotal evidence and a "secret voter." It's sometimes a fools errand, made complicated in 2020 because it feels exactly like it did four years ago when Donald Trump shocked everyone. A lot of things have to come together for an upset to happen again. That doesn't mean it can't happen again.

When elected officials are coming out to endorse the guy who is behind and expect to lose, when the media is reporting that the streets are talking and it doesn't match what people have been telling pollsters, it can very well happen again. Call your friends and family who haven't voted yet. Share videos like from Councilman Davis. There are 96 hours left to hustle and grind, one voters at a time. Don't let up.

Ted Cruz SLAMS Jack Dorsey: Plus, Democrats want MORE Tech Censorship! | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says

Biden Supporter Charges at Trump Supporter, Needs His Unhinged Mom to Save Him

Biden Supporter Charges at Trump Supporter, Needs His Unhinged Mom to Save Him
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 11:06AM

Election Day is only a few days away, and people are starting to wild out. I mean, they've been wildin' since the beginning of the pandemic. But this close to the end of the election cycle, the craziness is flowing left and right. Though mostly left. I have to be honest. For a guy who, at least according to polls, looks like he could very well win on Tuesday, Joe Biden supporters seem particularly angry and unhinged. Like with this video that takes place somewhere in America. As a friend alluded to on Twitter, if you're going angrily charge at someone, know how to fight in the first place. That way you don't need your pleasantly plump mom (allegedly) coming to your defense.

I guess these Biden supporters deserve a modicum of credit. Usually when they start bugging like this, they take it out on children (see BIDEN SUPPORTERS THROW EGGS AT A LITTLE GIRL BECAUSE THEY'RE HORRIBLE PEOPLE and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT). This fella at least went after a grown ass man. A grown ass man who knew how to keep his hands up and defend himself. That could be why when Biden supporters get triggered, they tend to prefer taking it out on minors.

But dude, it's bad enough the MAGA bro pulled your punk card. But for you to then stand there while your mommy (allegedly) fought your battles for you and looked liked she was going to eat the guy, I'm simply embarrassed for the both of us.

from Steven Crowder Says

WATCH: Philadelphia RIOTS erupt, BlazeTV correspondent surveys the destruction LIVE

WATCH: Philadelphia RIOTS erupt, BlazeTV correspondent surveys the destruction LIVE
Tarah Price - October 29, 2020 at 09:30AM

On Thursday, Steven recapped yesterday's Big Tech hearing before the senate and then covered the latest riots in Philadelphia. We then went live, on ground in Philadelphia with Blaze correspondent Elijah Schaeffer to hear about his being attacked by looters and surveyed the destruction first hand.

from Steven Crowder Says

CNN's Jim Acosta Whines, Shares Video of Trump Supporters Reminding Him How Terrible He Is

CNN's Jim Acosta Whines, Shares Video of Trump Supporters Reminding Him How Terrible He Is
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 08:07AM

If you could bottle the sanctimony of some reporters during the Trump years, it could very well cure COVID. Either that, or turn everyone who takes it into an insufferable douche. Why yes, this is a blog post about Jim Acosta. Our favorite psychological chew toy (see KAYLEIGH MCENANY STRAIGHT UP BODIES JIM ACOSTA OVER TRUMP'S "DOCTORED VIDEO" MEME and TED CRUZ SLAPS AROUND JIM ACOSTA FOR PARROTING COMMUNIST CHINESE TALKING POINTS).

Acosta shared another diary entry on Twitter. He was at a Trump rally in a flyover state somewhere in America, simply trying to do his job. When Trump stans wanted to remind CNN's finest just how much they think he sucks at life. Acosta handled the situation the only way he knows how, and the only way we would expect him to. By virtue signalling about putting on a mask.

Actually, they are staring a you wondering who would win in a fight between Brian Stelter and a ham sandwich, because no one actually cares about you. This may be a bold statement, but I'm going go out on a limb and declare that if you are MAGA enough to go to a Trump rally, you have no f*cks to give that anyone in the media is getting booed. Especially not Jim Acosta. Tweets like this are why when even Don Lemon and Andrew's Idiot Brother see Acosta coming towards them at the CNN lunch room, they avoid eye contact or pretend they have a phone call. Other colleagues have written books on how much they hate him.

It's not the Trump supporters, Jim. It's you. You're the one who's terrible.

from Steven Crowder Says

Report: Alleged Terrorist Kills Three in France, Yells 'Allahu Akbar'

Report: Alleged Terrorist Kills Three in France, Yells 'Allahu Akbar'
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 07:35AM

There has been an apparent terror attack in Nice, France where a man allegedly stabbed three people before being taken down by police.

Three people were confirmed dead, and that the attacker repeatedly shouted "Allahu Akbhar," or "God is greatest" in Arabic. One of the three victims, a woman, had her throat slashed inside the church. The second victim, a man, was stabbed to death. The third known victim, another woman, was killed in a bar in front of the basilica where she had hidden.

The attack comes amid rising tensions between France and some Muslim nations over some cartoons denigrating the prophet Muhammad. The attack fell on prophet's birthday.

This video is reportedly of the police taking down the suspect.

AOC Abandons Her Radical Policies to COVER For Biden's Fracking Lies! | Good Morning #MugClub

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from Steven Crowder Says