Tuesday, July 7, 2020

'Peaceful' Black Lives Matter Protesters Vulgarly Interrupted This Church Service

'Peaceful' Black Lives Matter Protesters Vulgarly Interrupted This Church Service
Brodigan - July 07, 2020 at 02:23PM

After resident tyrant Andrew Cuomo made it clear you are free to protest if he agrees with the political message, but you are not allowed to do things like go to church out of fear of catching the 'rona, it was sarcastically suggested that churches should just call their services protests. Well, Black Lives Matter protesters put that theory to the test in Troy (what), New York, when they interrupted a church service. Whether this was actually Black Lives Matter, I'll leave that to Don Lemon.

"This means I'm a Christian preacher, you dumb fuck."

Ah, yes. Much preacher. Very Christian.

The irony here was that the size of the protest was much larger than the size of the church service. Protesters are free to move about freely without masks or social distancing. People who want to practice their faith? There are restrictions on that, though not as bad as California, where churchgoers were told they're not allowed to sing. California protesters? They have their run of that state.

Remember this when you mock someone for questioning masks and social distancing. Our leaders pushing masks and social distancing, but only on some of us, is the reason why.

from Steven Crowder Says