Monday, July 6, 2020

J.K. Rowling is Fed Up with the Transgender Agenda

J.K. Rowling is Fed Up with the Transgender Agenda
Courtney Kirchoff - July 06, 2020 at 05:47PM

On Sunday, while I was snuggling my dogs who had a ruff night (see what I did there?) of war-zone fireworks, J.K. Rowling was shooting off some rounds against the rabid transgender movement. Note that I'm calling them the rabid transgender movement. Years ago we went out of our way to delineate the Gaystapo from the larger LGB community. The Gaystapo were the rabid gay and lesbian activists (and their allies) actively searching for Christian-owned businesses to sue. The larger LGB community, like most of America, just wanted to be left alone. I'm going with the same here in describing the rabid transgender movement (and their allies) trying to cancel self-made moneybags, J.K. Rowling. I tend to believe a lot of transgender people are more like Blaire White and want to live their lives as a he or her, and carry on. But a few bad adams apples (and their allies) have weaponized their feelings of moral superiority to cancel anyone engaged in thought crimes. They've set their sights on J.K. Rowling, who isn't playing by their rules.

Here's what happened. J.K. Rowling "liked" a tweet that compared hormone therapy to the overprescribing of anti-depressants. This sent the RTM (Rabid Transgender Movement) into apoplectic fits of cheek-reddening rage.

Rowling responded with an 11 tweet thread with two post-script notes laying into some internet dweeb who had it coming.

No, this isn't a walk back. Rowling has said she has nothing against transgender people. The problem she has is with the insistence we do away with gender and biological realities to make people feel better. That's her issue. It's a reasonable one, by the way. Read J.K. Rowling Doubles Down, Writes Powerful Essay Defending Women.

Hormone therapy and surgeries are dolled like PEZ dispensers. This reference only makes sense to people of my generation or older. Sorry, but google it later.

Right again. Women who feel like men are transitioning because they feel like men. Men who feel like women are transitioning because they feel like women. But on what are those feelings based?

This whole RTM undercuts the entire idea of homosexuality, and essentially affirms that to be a man or a woman is to actually be the stereotype of a man and a woman. Transgender and gender theory do not, to my knowledge, allow for variations in how men and women behave as men and women. Does that make sense? There's more than one way to be a woman and more than one way to be a man. That's the real spectrum. Not sex itself. A woman who likes airplanes, weight-lifting, and trash talk is still a woman (ahem), and a man who enjoys badminton, wine-tasting, and scented candles is still a man. He just might not get invited to the Super Bowl party.

Maybe we can just all agree that drugs shouldn't be handed out like Smarties candies on Halloween. Maybe teenagers shouldn't be allowed to make life-altering decisions when they're not even adults. Common ground? Hardly. The RTM is incredulous at any idea that maybe boys are boys and girls are girls. But I'm incredulous I'm not massively wealthy. As Mick Jagger once mused: you can't always get what you want.

EXACTLY! We're destroying people's lives and using children to do so. Why? It's now trendy to have a transgender child. Children are not transgender. Some children want to be dinosaurs when they grow up. They also drown their food with ketchup. Children are cute but they're hardly keen decision-makers.

So emblematic of 2020: the criminal act of liking a tweet that's perfectly reasonable. I'd say the only thing wrong is Sophie didn't bother to include ADD drugs. Everyone had ADD since the treatment was a pill. Fewer people would've had ADD were the treatment electroshock therapy. In my opinion.

Stay strong, Rowling. You're right down center plate on this one. We need you to keep speaking out against this. The emperor has no clothes, and he's got a penis.

from Steven Crowder Says