Wednesday, July 1, 2020

CHAZ Gets CHOPPED! Seattle Mayor FINALLY Orders Police to Shut It Down

CHAZ Gets CHOPPED! Seattle Mayor FINALLY Orders Police to Shut It Down
Brodigan - July 01, 2020 at 08:13AM

It finally happened. Seattle Mayor Jenny Derpkan has ordered police to clear out CHAZ/CHOP. All it took was for the protesters to show up at her house and inconvenience her life for action to be taken. Not so much the lives and inconvenience of the plebeians Mayor Derpkan lords over. Or, like, the multiple homicides. But I guess better late than never. The summer of love is no more.

I know some of my colleagues will want to focus on the violence and the body count and the communism. But I'm choosing to focus on the fun times we had. Like the idiots there not knowing how plants work. Or the comparisons to South Park. Or this guy, who just wilded out one day. The CHAZ/CHOP and the CHOP/CHAZ, while I'm sure unintentionally, brought so much laughter and entertainment to so many people. If nothing else, the people of the CHAZ or the CHOP can take pride in that.

Godspeed, friends.

from Steven Crowder Says