Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Shocking: Cuban State Security Arrests Reporter in Middle of News Broadcast

Shocking: Cuban State Security Arrests Reporter in Middle of News Broadcast
Brodigan - July 13, 2021 at 12:26PM

You may have a useless progressive cousin dumb enough to believe "real" communism hasn't been tried yet. Tie them to a chair, strap their eyelids open, and force them to A Clockwork Orange everything that's happening in Cuba. That's communism. That's socialism. That's ACTUAL authoritarianism. It's not tweeting mean things about the press. It's a government so large they ARREST reporters live on air. As happened to Cuban reporter Dina Stars in the middle of a Spanish news broadcast.

Or, she was "detained" at least. I'm sure state security just took Stars for a frappuccino and some casual conversation.

I hope everyone is paying close attention to what is happening in Cuba. I also hope everyone is paying close attention to the Biden administration. In the past week, the administration believes it's the government's business to know your personal medical decisions AND are (allegedly) pressuring private companies to monitor your text messages. All in what they consider the "public good" over a "public health crisis." A public health crisis where anything other than what comes from a government agency gets throttled by Big Tech companies. Who have also been pressured by the government into throttling information the government doesn't want you to have.

Laws haven't been passed (yet). But there have been way too many trial balloons floated to see how much freedom Americans are and aren't willing to give up right now.

The Cuban government is what happens people don't pay attention. The Cuban protests are what happens when the people wake up. Americans need to make sure things don't get any farther in this country than they already have.

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