Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Jen Psaki Appears Confused Why Cubans Are Revolting, Refuses to Denounce 'Communism'

Jen Psaki Appears Confused Why Cubans Are Revolting, Refuses to Denounce 'Communism'
Brodigan - July 14, 2021 at 02:03PM

The Cuban people are revolting. It's because of communism. After six decades of commie rule, they want to give freedom a try. The commie government in Cuba says "nuh-uh" and "politicalprisonersayswhat?" It's open and shut. Even the most radical leftist Democrat in America SHOULD be able to give the Cuban people that. Yet, for some reason, Jen Psaki bombs and can't just say the word. She actually goes out of her way to avoid it.

PETER DOOCY: Do you think people are leaving Cuba because they don't like communism?

PSAKI: I think people are leaving Cuba because of the oppression.

DOOCY: That's caused by communism.

PSAKI: They're leaving because of mismanaged government.

DOOCY: Again. Communism.

PSAKI: They're leaving because —

DOOCY: Just say the word communism. It's communism. The Cuban people hate commiunism.

PSAKI: Can we get the girl with the face from the Daily Caller back out here? I hate her less than I hate you.

I mean, I could GUESS why Jen Psaki would avoid saying the word communism. Or socialism. Or even authoritarianism. She's the spokessoulessginger of a Biden administration that wants private companies to spy on your text messages and says out loud with their mouths "it is absolutely the government's business" to know your personal medical decisions. There's probably a blue-ribbon commission studying the protests to see where the government went wrong. Isolating the error to make sure THEY don't make the same mistakes. When the only mistake was the people being okay with communism sixty-two years ago.

But that is just a guess on why Jen Psaki refuses to denounce communism. It could be something else.

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