Wednesday, July 14, 2021

God Bless Texas: Democrats Ran Away, State Senate Passes Voter Integrity Bill Anyway

God Bless Texas: Democrats Ran Away, State Senate Passes Voter Integrity Bill Anyway
Brodigan - July 14, 2021 at 07:12AM

Texas Democrats ran away this week instead of passing a commonsense voter integrity bill. If you don't know the lies being told about the bill, allow Joe Biden to clue you in. The Texas bill, like ANY voting law, is the "biggest threat to our democracy" since the Civil War. But that was just Democrats in the state House of Representatives, who will be arrested upon returning to the Lone Star State. The Texas Senate? They grabbed some BBQ, threw back a few Shiners, put on Josh Abbott Band's "Front Row Seat," and passed the bill anyway.

The bill passed the Senate with an 18-4 vote. According to the Texas Tribune, eight Senate Democrats were among those who ran away. But it wasn't enough to break the quorum needed to vote. That means Texas Democrats even failed at doing that.

The "controversial" measures of the bill?

  • New limits on early voting ... even though early voting days and the number of dropboxes increased.
  • New limits on curbside voting. Voters may have to get out of their car now.
  • A ban on "around-the-clock voting." Now voters will only have multiple days with a twelve-hour window on each day to vote.
  • An end to straight-ticket voting. Instead of voting for the same party with the press of one button, you have to vote for each candidate.

I'm sure there's some VOTER ID stuff in their too. But Democrats have already conceded they lost the battle there.

Those are the "controversial" measures of the bill. That's what our idiot president calls an affront to democracy. Those are the reason why Democrats ran away instead of doing their jobs. Even though, eventually, when they come home, the bill is going to pass and be signed into law anyway. When you hear progressive activists and the media (but I repeat myself) lie about voter integrity bills, items like this are what they're lying about.

I hope Texas Democrats enjoyed their little field trip. Now get back to work.

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