Sunday, July 12, 2020

This Unprovoked Knife Attack on a  NYC Subway is Horrifying

This Unprovoked Knife Attack on a  NYC Subway is Horrifying
Brodigan - July 12, 2020 at 08:36AM

Violent crime is on the rise in New York City. As is shootings, and pretty much every other horrible metric you wouldn't want to see go up. Except for the COVID count, but Bill DeBlasio may have his thumb on the scale there. I'll let you decide if this is all because of the #DefundThePolice movement. OR, the billion dollars cut from the NYPD budget. OR, New York City officials sending a clear message to criminals that the streets are theirs because if those same officials can score a single political point by throwing a cop under the bus, they'll throw two cops under the bus for the hell of it.

This graphic scene took place during the daylight on a subway in Queens. Viewer discretion and all that.

The two victims, ages 71 and 73, were sitting on the train when [the assailant] suddenly jumped up and screamed, "Why aren't you with your children?" He then charged at one of the two victim with his knife, cutting him across the forearm. The other senior was cut as he tried to help...

Hey, at least they were wearing their masks! Though one guy wasn't wearing his properly because it was under his nose. Granted, it probably slipped while he was busy getting stabbed, but let's not act like liberal Twitter wouldn't be shaming him for it if someone grabbed an out of context picture. I'm surprised the person filming the incident didn't do so, because they sure as hell weren't helping as they watched two grandpas get attacked in front of them.

The assailant was thankfully arrested. As of this writing, he wasn't released yet thanks to New York's new bail reform laws. Bill DeBlasio is up for reelection in 2021.

from Steven Crowder Says