Wednesday, July 1, 2020

This Man Demolished His City Council for Their Mask and COVID Fear Mongering

This Man Demolished His City Council for Their Mask and COVID Fear Mongering
Courtney Kirchoff - July 01, 2020 at 02:40PM

"But what can we do to fight back?" you ask. Here's one example of many. I believe this man is John Ziegler, a radio broadcaster from Southern California. He walked up to his city council in Ventura, California and gave them a piece of his mind. First he nailed one of the so-called "corona experts" for the obvious the mask hypocrisy, then slammed the council for their harmful COVID policies and apparent inability to math. Cameras caught the goodness and now you're seeing it too. We need more people to do the same to get the message across that not only are we not the minority, we're an angry majority ready to step into action. Behold:

My man. Fire and brimstone to the elected tw*ts who put us through hell.

"Was Dr. Levin wrong for these past three months? And if he was wrong, why has he not been removed?"
"Or do you not really believe he was wrong, you're wearing these masks because they're a signal of your great virtue? Because for the last three months we've not warn them, but Ventura County has done extremely well."

Then he really laid down Thor's Hammer. It was so awesome I might have cried.

"Dr. Levin has been wrong about everything. He's the one who told us we'd have four to six hundred hospitalizations a day. He revised that to two to four hundred a day. We still haven't reached that in one day. We're barely over two hundred for the entire ordeal you put us through. We now are panicked over 51 hospitalizations in a county with 8 hospitals. Can you people do math? Can you please do basic math and understand where we are on this? This is not a crisis. You, however, have created one. You, in an effort to try to prevent all death, we've had 43 deaths, have now ended all relevant life! And you should all be ashamed of yourselves. And this will never be forgotten. Ever be forgotten. You will all be held accountable eventually. In this life or the next. You all better hope there is no hell, because when you die, that's where you're going. And guess what. You're not going to be dying of COVID either! Thank you."

THIS is how it's done, America. Don't channel your anger to just nasty comments on Facebook. Don't hope some conservative talking head speaks for you on radio or Fox News. Go to your local council. Make your voice heard. Make sure you're being RECORDED. Do your research ahead of time and have actual numbers that demonstrate the pure tyranny that COVID shutdown has wrought. Then be your own voice and call out the powers at be. Where there is one, there are many. Your voice, just like Ziegler's here, will inspire others to come out and do the same. We're in the first part of a campaign here: raising awareness to assemble the troops. If you're not able to access the public recording, HAVE SOMEONE RECORD VIDEO FOR YOU. Then tweet me @Courtneyscoffs. I know how to amplify your message.

The COVID-19 shutdown is tyrannical. Don't lay back and take it. Don't just hope it goes away. Don't just hope leadership will do the right thing. Don't just hope. Be the hope! Get up. Be heard. Fight back.

How the COVID “Experts" Got Everything Wrong! | Louder with Crowder

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