Saturday, July 4, 2020

Hodge Twins DESTROY the NFL's Virtue Signalling Over the "Black National Anthem"

Hodge Twins DESTROY the NFL's Virtue Signalling Over the "Black National Anthem"
Brodigan - July 04, 2020 at 08:05AM

I miss the good old days of football. When Sunday's meant drinking beer for seven hours straight and religiously checking your fantasy scores while telling the womenfolk to go shopping for the day. At least, the non-football fan womenfolk. If they enjoy the sport and can hang, by all means hang. If they're going to sit there and want to talk about about what someone said on their mommy Facebook group, there's a pile of Kohl's coupons on the counter. We're getting a little off track because instead of curing sexism, we're here today to cure racism. Which the NFL is going to do by playing the black national anthem before the actual National Anthem during all week 1 games. Just because the anthem has not been politicized enough (see AMY SCHUMER LABELS NON-KNEELING WHITE NFL PLAYERS 'COMPLICIT' IN RACISM and TED CRUZ AND HIS BEARD JUST DUMPED ALL OVER THE NFL AND ANTHEM KNEELERS).

What's the black national anthem and how will this fix racism? Good question. Since I believe we need to amplify black voices, allow me to #PassTheMic to the Hodge Twins to explain.

Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Live in Houston)

I believe this whole NFL/black national anthem thing falls under what a buddy of mine who runs an urban radio station would call "you're giving us everything except for the one thing we're asking for." It's a meaningless symbolic gesture being done just to check off a box and/or shut up people on Twitter. Not unlike putting a black square on your instagram page and saying you're helping. So for week 1 of all NFL games, they're going to play the black national anthem before the National Anthem. What about week 2? The NFL is using the song to signal how much they think black lives matter. But only that first week. If this doesn't fix racism, they'll be fresh out of ideas.

But hey, at least they tried! Maybe the NHL or the LPGA can think of something.

America Is Not Racist (Part Two) | Change My Mind

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