End your Friday with this nugget. Jim Jordan asked the Covid Pope Fauci if, in order to slow the terrible spread of the terrible COVID-19 that is causing terrible things, we should limit Americans protesting. The corner Fauci backed into was littered with glass. Check out the squirming:
Welcome to day 137,010 of "Fifteen Days to Flatten The Curve." I exaggerated only slightly. According to the COVID-19 rules, number accuracy isn't as important as shaming people you think are literally murdering others by not wearing a face diaper. Sometimes with a little pepper-spray baptism. But how are our Ikea-building neighbors to the east handling all this WuFlu cough "pandemic"? Remember, Sweden never shutdown. They didn't even close their cheese-cloth border. To my knowledge, they didn't do the mask debate (say that five times fast). Bars remained open. People gathered and were asked to distance socially, but — again to my knowledge — no black-arm-band wearing public gestapo fined or shamed he, she or ze who failed to obey. The pandemic porn believers were hoping millions of Swedes would kick the verklopen. That's my best attempt at Ikea speech for bucket. Reality is: not really.
So how is Sweden doing at the end of July?
Sweden update 31 July. Zero deaths in past 3 days; 5 in the past week. No lockdowns, no masks, no panic. https://t.co/4CLTBB01nT
The seven-day rolling average of Sweden's daily new cases has been dropping consistently since June 29. Its daily case count has been mostly decreasing since June 24, when it reported 1,803 new infections, its largest single-day spike since the outbreak began, according to data compiled by Worldometer.
The seven-day rolling average of daily new deaths in Sweden has also been declining since around April 15, when it reported a record daily death count of 115. The country's latest seven-day rolling averages for daily new cases and daily new deaths stand at 154 and 2.
As a reminder, new cases aren't deaths. I know the pro-Covid-shutdown-because-its-our-new-religion apostles want to believe that if you're diagnosed with the Chinese Chest Cold you're somehow a goner. Tis not the case, nor has it ever been. You might be a goner if you're morbidly sick already, or old and morbidly sick already, but the survival rate of COVID is higher than Post Malone chatting with Rogan. And in Courtney's esteemed opinion, not worth near the panic clueless morons award it.
Regardless of all that, other countries in Europe that instituted government mandated YOU SHALL OBEY lockdowns are seeing a second wave of cases. This, in Courtney's esteemed opinion, seems to indicate the lockdowns don't work like the lockdown advocates want them to work. Or say they want them to work. Because, again in my opinion, the measures being shoved through in order to "save lives" are just a Trojan horse for socialism. The more the people comply with the increasing draconian orders, the more draconian orders we receive. Kind of like a "If you give a mouse a cookie" scenario. At this point, the mouse has completely taken over and we're just lucky to sleep on the floor.
Whatever you do, don't spread the Swedish good news like how Covid was rumored to spread. The panic porn addicts who've made COVID their godking, would hate to be proven wrong.
I'd like to correct myself. Earlier this week in a post, I wrote that we are past referring to the coronavirus as the "China virus." AKA the Karate Flu aka the Kung Flu aka Wuhan Got You All Check aka Wuhan Flu Ain't Nuthin' to F' Wit. Turns out, I was wrong. According to a new Pew poll, and insane majority of Americans blame the virus on the country it originated from. How huge? 78% huge. Dare I say, YUGE!
More than three-quarters of Americans — 78 percent — place a "great deal or fair amount of the blame" on China for the virus' spread around the world, according to the study published Thursday by the Pew Research Center. Another 73 percent of respondents said they had "unfavorable" views of the country — a figure that rose 26 percentage points since 2018, the surveyors found.
The movement started after art teacher Jeremy Dumkreiger, who helped start the Facebook group Iowa Educators for a Safe Return to School, shared his self-authored obituary in an op-ed for the local news blog Iowa Starting Line. In the July 16 post, Dumkreiger called on other teachers to write their obituaries to "demand Gov. Reynolds declare a statewide school mask mandate."
"If we do not require this mask mandate, we risk the chance of driving our teachers and schools into the ground, literally," he wrote.
Yesterday, my one-year-old wanted a cookie. We told him he had had enough cookies. So he threw himself to the ground, crying and flailing his arms and legs. That was less dramatic that these adults from Iowa who are entrusted with teaching our children.
If teachers don't want to work, it's really simple. They should stop getting paid, because they shouldn't keep collecting a check while everyone else is suffering. Parents should then get their school taxes refunded to cover the cost of educating their children in this new normal. Most importantly, all teachers scared for their lives about being in a building with other people should be mandated to have a contact tracing app installed on their smartphones for their own safety. I know schools are germ factories. So are restaurants, bars, and political protests.
Do College Students Believe in Free Speech? | Crowder Classics (2015) youtu.be
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"The guy came and started shooting," a witness said. "The son and the mom were, like, crying, and they were scared."
According to a police report, the man was enraged that a mother and child were not social distancing. Detectives said the mother and son angered the man enough for him to allegedly fire gunshots into the lobby's floor.
Police allege the shooter "continued to scream commands to social distance while holding the firearm and subsequently fired several shots."
I'm assuming the mother and son were wearing masks. If not, the media would probably have said so in order to victim-blame.
People are being driven to a panic with the 'rona. I get that. But the appropriate response to seeing two people less than six feet away from each other is to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! NO ONE LIKES PEOPLE LIKE YOU! WE ACTUALLY HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU! Seriously, people who would yell at the mother and son are garbage enough. Looking to kill them? I hope someone coughs on you while you're in county.
The Government is Scarier than COVID! | Louder with Crowder youtu.be
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Cancel culture won't be canceled until companies grow a sack and stand up to the cancel-culturers. It's that simple (see POLL: CANCEL CULTURE IS GROSSLY UNPOPULAR TO MOST REAL AMERICANS and COMEDIAN CALLS OUT LIBERAL VICTIMS OF CANCEL CULTURE: 'THIS IS WHAT YOU IDIOTS WANTED!'). Originally, it was reported that Trader Joe's caved. Some rando started a petition about the store's "racist" marketing, calling ethic brands "Trader Jose's," "Trader Ming's" and so forth racist. It was a simple play on words, but when bored and lonely people start to see how much social media attention you can get by being stupid, oy vey do they get stupid.
We want to be clear: we disagree that any of these labels are racist. We do not make decisions based on petitions.
Decades ago, our Buying Team started using product names, like Trader Giotto's, Trader José's, Trader Ming's, etc. We thought then—and still do—that this naming of products could be fun and show appreciation for other cultures.
Recently we have heard from many customers reaffirming that these name variations are largely viewed in exactly the way they were intended—as an attempt to have fun with our product marketing. We continue our ongoing evaluation, and those products that resonate with our customers and sell well will remain on our shelves.
Here's the dirty little secret. The people who say that they are no longer going to shop at your store unless you cave to their political demands, more often than not, NEVER SHOPPED THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. If other people stay silent, it's not because they agree with the idiots. It's because they're too busy having a life to care about what a supermarket calls its guacamole. They never know there is a nontroversy in the first place. Just because one side yells the loudest on social media, that doesn't make them the voice of the people. It especially doesn't make them the voice of your customers. Also, brands need to start to have the courage to tell Twitter to shut the f*** up once in a while.
Trader Joe's is listening to the people who actually shop at Trader Joe's. That's what the company is supposed to do.
Crowder GOES OFF on 'Cultural Appropriation' Hypocrisy! | Louder With Crowder youtu.be
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In 2016, "South Park" mocked anthem protests, showing the townspeople more concerned about who was kneeling, then leaving before the sports game started because no one care about that any more. That's basically what we've become now, minus the people leaving because there are no people allowed. F*** you, 'rona! These days, you make news if you DON'T kneel, as if you're the weird one (see SF GIANTS PLAYER BUCKS TREND, REFUSES TO KNEEL FOR ANTHEM: 'I KNEEL ONLY FOR GOD..." and REPORTER ASKS DREW BREES IF HE'LL KNEEL FOR THE ANTHEM). Thankfully we have Charles Barkley coming through with some common sense. I know leftists are triggered, but Sir Charles isn't one who is known to give AF.
Charles Barkley on anthem kneeling "If people don't kneel they're not a bad person" https://t.co/qeZfjHTUZ4
In my opinion, I personally don't care about the kneeling. I think it's disrespectful to do any kind of protest during the national anthem, and the people who do are usually leftist dinkuses whose opinions I don't care about in the first place. But aside from rolling my eyes at you, I'm more concerned about fantasy points and drinking beer once the game starts. What Barkley is getting at is how the entire leftist entertainment complex is acting like you're the asshole for NOT kneeling. Drew Brees was cyberbullied into bending the knee. Sam Coonrod (the guy from the SF Giants) was forced to explain why he didn't kneel.
If you want me to take you seriously for protesting during the national anthem, sure. Whatever. Making it so that there's something wrong with people who don't kneel is where the words "suck" and "it" start to come into play.
Rise of the RACIST POLICE ROBOTS!!! (Studio Sketch) | Louder With Crowder www.youtube.com
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There are two groups of people to listen to about communism. One group is leftist politicians and college students. The other group is people who have actually lived through it or have family members who did (see UFC 251'S JORGE MASVIDAL EXPOSES THE TRUTH ABOUT COMMUNISM and VENEZUELAN WOMAN EXPLAINS WHY LEFTISTS TEARING DOWN STATUES SHOULD SCARE EVERYONE). Count B-Real, frontman of the legendary Cypress Hill, in the latter group. His mother escaped being a prisoner under Castro, and as luck would have it, he's being interviewed by someone whose parents escaped communist Russia. So that's TWO warnings about communism for the price of one.
I skipped past the pot-smoking part to get right to the communism part. This isn't usually a sticky icky icky audience, but if that's how you get down, feel free to start from the beginning.
B-Real on His Mother Escaping from a Cuban Prison (Part 1) youtu.be
"But Brodigan, that was the wrong kind of communism. The bad kind. No one has done communism the right way yet."
Because there's no right way to do communism. It's the opposite of eating a Reese's peanut butter cup. There is only the bad kind of communism. The communist kind of communism. Period.
Side note, I would never call myself a hip-hop head, but it you have even a marginal interest in the music or the genre, I can't recommend VladTV enough. He's a great interviewer who gets compelling interviews out of everyone.
PROPAGANDA: MIT Publishes "Communism" For Kids | Louder With Crowder youtu.be
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Then, for unknown reasons, she took a shot at Joe Rogan.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) July 30, 2020
Well, maybe that's because Joe Rogan provides value and attracts guests from all walks of life, whom he engages with in conversations people want to hear. Meanwhile, Milano hasn't provided value since Poison Ivy 2. Maybe it's a political thing and she hates him because he lets people express different opinions. Or maybe it's jealousy that Rogan is getting highAF and swimming in a vault full of Spotify money like he's Scrooge McDuck while her Charmed residuals have dried up. Either way, envy isn't a good look.
Neither is famous people from any walk of life complaining about how rough their lives are. Maybe she still has a few stans who are sympathizing with her. But the rest of us have real problems and don't need to hear it.
CHANGE MY MIND Clips: 'I'm Pro Gun 2nd Edition'-- Why So Much Media Bias? | Crowder Classics (2018) youtu.be
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This story is only funny because no one was hurt. I'm also well aware that had this been a Trump supporter targeting someone selling Joe Biden swag, this story would be all over CNN and not just in the local Patch. That would also require someone actually selling Biden merch. We take you now to Cape Cod. Where a Trump supporter setting up a Trump stand so triggered a local, he tried to run it over with his car. Also, he whipped out his junk for some reason.
A vendor selling Trump memorabilia told police the car came by his stand several times, jumping the sidewalk curb to get even closer to him and the stand. The man stuck his middle finger at the vendor and screamed from the driver's side window, the vendor told police. After briefly leaving, the man drove back to the vendor, popping his tire on the curb and nearly hitting the vendor and his stand.
Here's the money part.
The situation escalated and the man who had been driving dropped his pants and underwear. The vendor told police that the man charged at him and spit in his face. A witness to the incident told police they heard the man yell that he had COVID-19 when he spit at the vendor and that the man also yelled "suck on this" when he dropped his pants and underwear.
We go now to Louder with Crowder Senior Crazypants Correspondent for more on this breaking story...
What I want to know is what kind of a day this guy — we'll call him Pantless Pete — was having before he found himself attempting vehicular homicide and whipping his sh*t out for unknown reasons. Like, is there a history a mental issues? Or was Pantsless Pete having a normal day? My dude wakes up. Checks in on the latest 'Rona news. Has a healthy breakfast. Decides it's such a nice day, he's going to go for a drive. Nowhere special. Just to enjoy some of the sunshine while he listens to NPR. It's the picture perfect day. Until Pantless Pete sees the MAGA stand. Something in him snaps and my dude just wilds out and goes all "d*cks out for Biden" up in this piece.
I'm going with that story.
Insane Leftist Protester Goes NUTS at Steven Crowder! | Louder With Crowder youtu.be
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The talk show genre has had a number of iconic moments. Dick Gregory being the first black man to sit on the couch at the Tonight Show. Jay Leno interviewing Hugh Grant after the actor was caught being serviced by a hooker. Now we have Joe Rogan and Post Malone getting highAF on mushrooms and doing an almost four-hour podcast. Here they are challenging the government on masks, arresting you for opening gyms, and encouraging snitching.
Joe Rogan and Post Malone Tackle Mandatory Mask Ordinances youtu.be
They're arresting people for keeping gyms open. The same people who didn't arrest the looters.
They were paying people to snitch on people [for not wearing masks]. "Ordinarily snitches get stitches, but now snitches get rewards."
We can debate whether you should wear a mask or not. Personally, I think it's a simple courtesy, but I don't think you are a good or bad person if you disagree. But we're all in agreement that government mandating it and fining if you don't wear a mask is scary and no bueno. Also, and this may be because I don't do 'shrooms, I never made the connection between all the 'rona things government will arrest you for, yet they DON'T arrest you for looting. Just as long as you're looting while having the right political opinion. When we talk about how we're not all in this together and our leaders are abusing our trust by picking and choosing who they enforce laws on, that's a perfect example.
EXIT QUESTION: Did anyone make it through the entire interview? And in one sitting? I may try it over the weekend. I never tripped and my pot-smoking days ended when I stopped hanging with friends who were always holding. But maybe if I throw back a few four-packs of Nooners I can get through it.
The Government is Scarier than COVID! | Louder with Crowder youtu.be
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But that's 2024. Or, the day after election day 2020 when the 2024 election officially starts. There are still a few more pressing matters, like if our kids are going to be allowed to effectively learn and develop in the fall. Gov. Noem says yes.
Our state's future depends on educating our kids. Online learning got us through the initial phase of COVID-19, but it's absolutely NOT a long-term solution. We need our kids back in the classroom.
Let's not play the game of if my study on why we should open is more better than your study on why we shouldn't reopen. But let's take a look at the politicians who are opposed to opening the country, most of whom have fallen to the panic porn Gov. Noem has avoided. Teachers' unions claim it's not safe for anyone to go back to school because kids are giant germ factories. Teachers shouldn't have to "risk their lives" in the name of the economy and other bullsh*t like that, is what they say.
So the solution for more than a few places (in Austin and California, for example) is to send kids to *checks notes* libraries, YMCA's, and other centralized indoor locations where they'll be supervised by adults and be allowed to do their *squints at notes* remote learning. How is that not a school?
It's unsafe for schools to be open, but apparently totally safe for kids to be in buildings learning while adults are in that same room supervising them. In some cases, THE ACTUAL FREAKIN' SCHOOL BUILDING. The key difference being the teachers' unions giving Democrat politicians lots and lots of money to do what they're told to do. Which if this is the way want to play it, fine. Teachers stop collecting a paycheck while schools are closed, parents get their school taxes refunded to cover this new normal way of learning, and teachers are mandated to install a contact tracing app on their phones. If schools are unsafe, we want to make sure they aren't doing things like going to bars or political rallies. Fair?
That's option A. Option B is for people to grow a set, put children first, and reopen the schools. Do they need to be altered somewhat? If that's the plan, fine. But they need to be reopen. Gov. Noem is going with option B. Though if she needs to go with option A, she seems to have a big enough set to do so.
I'm not ready to think about 2024 yet. But...
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More of this, please. Because as we said when we introduced you to this AWFL woman, this is long past being about George Floyd. This is leftist douchebags just being leftist douchebags for the sake of being leftist douchebags. And a lot of pasty-ass white kids who, while they yell "black lives matter" a lot, don't seem to think the actual black people they yell it at seem to matter all that much (see WHITE LEFTIST GETS BTFO'D LECTURING BLACK COP ON RACISM and A WHITE LIBERAL WAS HANDING OUT BRICKS, BUT THIS BLACK PROTESTER WASN'T HAVING IT). A video journalist caught two Seattle residents who decided to start fighting back. Doesn't matter if it's #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa, or just people bored from being in lockdown for the past few months. They're tired of watching their city being trashed.
This guy even called out to his neighbors to see if they noticed all the trash in the street. It's Seattle, so I'm assuming most of them were in their apartments complaining about President Trump on Twitter.
The saga continues: “I’m cleaning this up for all my citizens. You get that! I’m cleaning this up for you!”… https://t.co/McsPpC7H6J
More people need to start speaking up, both about the Marxism and at the ignorant protesters, but also at the elected officials who stood by doing nothing and allowing all of this to happen. Citizens needs to say enough is enough. Also, stop voting for politicians who support the people destroying the cities they were elected in and putting the burden to do something on the citizens they're supposed to be serving.
EVERYTHING WRONG WITH CHAZ! | Louder with Crowder youtu.be
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NBC News tweeted this video of the protester having a meltdown. Her emotions got the best of her and she found herself lashing out at the police she was protesting. Someone at the news network shared it, presumably because they viewed her as a sympathetic figure. I had the opposite reaction watching this video.
“Black Lives Matter. That’s why we’re here … I’m a mom, and I heard George when he called out ‘mama.’ That’s why I’… https://t.co/ZK9kJ0ztKJ
First, I've seen this woman and other like her referred to as an AWFL: Affluent White Female Liberal. I don't know if that's a real thing or if the acronym is intentional, but it's awesome none the less.
Second, instead of being sympathetic that this single mother is sleep deprived because of all this protesting she's doing, I want to know why she isn't more concerned about taking care of her children. Because is she's out every night protesting instead of being a parent, especially at night when her kids most likely need her the most, she's not the one who looks like the shero here. How does that conversation go? "Listen to the babysitter, mama's going out to yell at cops."
Because here's the other thing, none of this is about George Floyd anymore. I was on your side when it was (see ARMED PATRIOTS WANT JUSTICE FOR GEORGE FLOYD, DON'T WANT LOOTING. HERE'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING ABOUT IT... and COPS AND PROTESTERS TEAM UP AGAINST ANTIFA DOUCHE). Protests over what happen to Floyd and speaking out against police brutality, I was an ally for those 48 hours or so. But then the riots and the looting started, as did the violent attacks against police officers, the calls to defund/dismantle them, and eventually using George Floyd was an excuse to promote horrible Marxist ideals. Plus the lack of social distancing has caused a second wave of the coronavirus, but that's a whole other problem.
Not everything is about you, AWFL Karen.
(GhostBusters Parody) Nobody! | Louder With Crowder youtu.be
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